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Edouard Menta | Impressionist painter

Edouard John Menta (Swiss, 1858-1915) | Déjeuner sur la terrasse | Christie's

From: Christie's

Born in Geneva, Menta was a pupil of Barthlemy Menn.
Beginning as a landscape painter, Menta switched to genre scenes and portraits.
In "Déjeuner sur la terrasse" we can see the contrasting style of his work.

On the one hand his plein-air training from Menn can be seen in the free brush strokes of the foliage and the view out to the horizon.
On the other, the vibrancy displayed in the colours of the lady's dresses and pompoms reflect his fascination with Impressionism.

In 1874, Menta debuted at an exhibition in Geneva, which led to regular exhibitions in France.

From around 1880, the artist lived in Nice on the Cte d'Azur, most likely depicted here.
The Muse des Beaux-Arts in Nice house many of his works. | Source: © Christie's

Edouard John Menta (1858-1953) is a painter born in 1858 in Geneva, Switzerland and who died in Geneva, Switzerland.
Edouard John Menta belonged to the impressionism art style.

Menta is known for Landscape, portrait and genre painting.
He mainly worked during the modern period in the 19 century.

Little is known about the life of painter Édouard John Menta.
After training with the landscape painter Barthélemy Menn he worked around 1908 in Nice.
Committed to the tradition of the 19th century, he created landscapes and numerous portraits and genre paintings.

Edouard John Menta è stato un pittore nato nel 1858 a Ginevra, Svizzera e morto a Ginevra, Svizzera.
Edouard John Menta apparteneva allo stile artistico dell'impressionismo.

Menta è noto per la pittura di paesaggi, ritratti e dipinti di genere.
Ha lavorato principalmente durante il periodo moderno nel 19 secolo.

Poco si sa della vita del pittore Édouard John Menta.

Dopo essersi formato con il paesaggista Barthélemy Menn, lavorò intorno al 1908 a Nizza.
Fedele alla tradizione del XIX secolo, ha creato paesaggi e numerosi ritratti e scene di genere.