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Mats Åkerman, 1956 | Modern painter

Mats Åkerman, born in Stockholm, is a Swedish painter, draftsman and graphic artist.
He has created his own fantasy world which he calls "The Swagi Union".
The main character in this world is called Rocco Rivarossi and the story takes place mostly in the 1950s.
The pictures often depict restaurants, boats, trains and urban environments.

Painting makes up the majority of his work, but the project also includes various other forms of expression such as drawings, maps, series, diagrams, tables, films, objects and texts.
He is educated at Stockholm University and Konstfackskolan.

Åkerman has published the book Retur, but he has also written smaller works.
In Retur, he has written about Rocco Rivarossi's journey by train through the Svagiska Unionen. He made the pictures in the book himself.
A sequel was published in 2010: A la prima, at Bokförlaget Atlantis with a foreword by Johan Hakelius.

Mats Åkerman, nato a Stoccolma, è un pittore, disegnatore e grafico Svedese.

Ha creato il suo mondo fantastico che chiama "The Swagi Union".
Il protagonista di questo mondo si chiama Rocco Rivarossi e la storia si svolge principalmente negli anni '50.

Le immagini ritraggono spesso ristoranti, barche, treni ed ambienti urbani.
La pittura costituisce la maggior parte del suo lavoro, ma il progetto comprende anche varie altre forme espressive come disegni, mappe, serie, diagrammi, tabelle, film, oggetti e testi.

Åkerman ha studiato all'Università di Stoccolma ed alla Konstfackskolan.