Award winning artist Lynn Noelle Rushton focuses on work-a-day scenes from daily life.
Both in oils and the ancient hot wax medium of encaustic, Rushton's work has been exhibited in one-person, regional, and national juried shows.
Her honors include an archival file at the National Museum for Women in the Arts, images in the J. Paul Getty/Art Calendar International Registry for Art and Artists and listing on the Texas Commission on the Arts' Artist in Residency.
Lynn Noelle Rushton
Rushton is listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the South and Southwest.
Her training includes a Bachelor of Fine Art from Vanderbilt University, internships at the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of American Art and the Kennedy Center, as well as Master's studies in Art History at Tulane University.
Drawing on the rich cultural history of the west, she combines the techniques of European post impressionism with subject matter that resonates with the monumental scene painters of the WPA and the 30’s and 40’s.
She has taught numerous master’s painting classes on the University level.
Rushton has painted en Plein Air in Europe, Asia, and the near East.
Her work is collected throughout the nation and is represented by Wally Workman Gallery in Austin, Texas.
L'artista pluripremiata Lynn Noelle Rushton si concentra su scene di vita quotidiana.
Sia ad olio che con l'antico medium della cera calda dell'encausto, il lavoro di Rushton è stato esposto in mostre personali, regionali e nazionali con giuria.
I suoi riconoscimenti includono un file d'archivio presso il National Museum for Women in the Arts, immagini nel J. Paul Getty/Art Calendar International Registry for Art and Artists e l'inserimento nell'elenco dell'Artist in Residency della Texas Commission on the Arts.