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Frank Holl R.A. | Portrait painter

From: British Museum
Draughtsman, illustrator, painter and royal portraitist; born in Kentish Town, London, to a family of engravers; received his first instruction from his father, Francis Holl, ARA; educated at University College School and entered the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 15 in 1860, receiving a silver medal in 1862 and gold in 1863; exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1864 until his death; becoming an Associate in 1878 and an Academician in 1883; his major works included portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales and prominent politicians.

His work is held in many public collections including: the Government Art Collection, the Royal Collection, Guildhall Art Gallery, Tate Gallery, Leeds Art Gallery and the Royal Academy. The Watts Gallery mounted an exhibition, 'Frank Holl: Emerging from the Shadows', 2013. | Source: © British Museum

From: UK Government Art Collection
Frank Holl R.A. (1845-1888) was born in London; the son of engraver Francis Holl. He entered the Royal Academy Schools at 15.
In 1869 he was awarded a travelling scholarship but abandoned his travels after a month.
After his return, Queen Victoria commissioned "No Tidings from the Sea" (1871).

Holl continued to paint similarly melancholy subjects.
He also made some 20 illustrations for "The Graphic" (1872-83), along with Luke Fildes and Hubert von Herkomer.
Together they became part of an informal school, interested in social realism.

Late in his career, Holl turned to portraiture, producing 197 portraits in just nine years.
His productivity and success brought him wealth but may also have contributed to the heart disease which led to his death, aged 43. | Source: © British Government Art Collection

Frank Holl R.A. (1845-1888) è nato a Londra; figlio dell'incisore Francis Holl. Entrò nella Royal Academy Schools a 15 anni.
Nel 1869 ottenne una borsa di studio itinerante ma abbandonò i suoi viaggi dopo un mese.
Dopo il suo ritorno, la regina Vittoria commissionò "No Tidings from the Sea" (1871).

Holl ha continuato a dipingere soggetti altrettanto malinconici.
Ha anche realizzato circa 20 illustrazioni per "The Graphic" (1872-83), insieme a Luke Fildes e Hubert von Herkomer.
Insieme sono entrati a far parte di una scuola informale, interessata al realismo sociale.

Verso la fine della sua carriera, Holl si è dedicato alla ritrattistica, producendo 197 ritratti in soli nove anni.
La sua produttività ed il suo successo gli hanno portato ricchezza, ma potrebbe anche aver contribuito alla malattia cardiaca che ha portato alla sua morte, all'età di 43 anni. | Fonte: © British Government Art Collection