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Ken Moroney | Impressionist painter

Ken Moroney (1949-2018) was born in South London. Of Anglo Irish parentage, his father was typical of his generation and worried about Ken’s artistic temperament which he viewed as effeminate.
As a result Ken took up boxing and won a gold medal for South London in his teens.
His art continued to flourish with his trademark striking use of colour. His main medium is oils and he favours romantic subjects of Edwardian times.
Stylistically Moroney’s work surely emanates from the French Post-Impressionist tradition and his subject matter and bright palette can be compared to similar beach scenes created by the likes of Eugène Boudin.

Whilst specific details of Moroney’s life and work appear to be scant, his productive life would appear to date from the early to mid 20th Century and he clearly travelled to the continent as the present work resembles topographically one of the more fashionable resorts of the Brittany coast.
Ken has travelled extensively and spent 2 years working for major galleries in New York.

The Royal Academy nominated him in 1976 as being one of the few promising young artists to emerge this century: "Ken Moroney has considerable talent, any painting purchased now can only be seen as a sound long term investment".
Ken Moroney's work now hangs in many important collections and has had paintings exhibited at The Royal Academy (London), and the Kline Galleries (Canada).

Ken's work has also been exhibited in Frost and Reed, Bourne Gallery, Hollywood Road Gallery, Thompson's Gallery, Gallery Kaleidoscope, David Messum's Gallery, John Davies in Stowe-on-the-Would, Duncan Miller London and American Connection. More recently exhibited at the Arts Club, 40 Dover Street, Mayfair, London.

Ken Moroney (1949-2018) è nato nel sud di Londra.
Di origine anglo-irlandese, suo padre era tipico della sua generazione ed era preoccupato per il temperamento artistico di Ken che considerava effeminato.
Stilisticamente il lavoro di Moroney deriva sicuramente dalla tradizione post-impressionista francese e il suo soggetto e la sua tavolozza brillante possono essere paragonati a scene di spiaggia simili create da artisti del calibro di Eugène Boudin.

Sebbene i dettagli specifici della vita e del lavoro di Moroney sembrino scarsi, la sua vita produttiva sembrerebbe risalire dall'inizio alla metà del XX secolo e ha chiaramente viaggiato nel continente poiché il presente lavoro assomiglia topograficamente a una delle località più alla moda della costa della Bretagna.