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Axel Jungstedt | Genre painter

Axel Adolf Harald Jungstedt (17 March 1859 - 14 March 1933) was a Swedish painter and professor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
He is represented with paintings at the Gothenburg Art Museum, the National Gallery of Denmark, and the National Gallery of Norway, and contributed with decorations of the Stockholm Opera House.

Axel Adolf Harald Jungstedt was born on 17 March 1859 in Norrköping in Östergötland, Sweden, the son of Johan Nils Jungstedt and Matilda Sundius.
He was the brother of opera singer Matilda Jungstedt.

Jungstedt studied with Edvard Perséus at the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts from 1878-1883.
After completing his studies, he made study trips on academy scholarship from 1884-1888 to Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
In Paris, he studied with William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905).
He made summer trips to Switzerland in 1886 and 1887.
He lived for some time in Munich and also visited Dresden and Berlin.
In 1888 he was again in Stockholm and opened his own painting school which he operated until 1896.

His students included Emerik Stenberg and Elsa Beskow.

In 1899 he was awarded Litteris et Artibus - Swedish royal medal established in 1853 by Charles XV of Sweden, who was then crown prince. It is awarded to people who have made important contributions to culture, especially music, dramatic art and literature.
He was appointed professor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts from 1909-1925.

In the 1890s he received his first portrait order.
In 1892, he performed altarpieces for Norra Vings Church and Sura Church and 1905 for Vederslöv Church and in 1925 for Storkyrkoförsamlingen in Stockholm. Among his other works was the decoration of the Stockholm Opera House.

His art is on display at the Gothenburg Art Museum and the National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen.
He is represented at the National Gallery of Norway with the painting Dannemora gruver from 1890. | Source: © Wikipedia

Axel Adolf Harald Jungstedt (1859-1933) è stato un pittore e professore Svedese presso la Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
È rappresentato con dipinti al Museo d'Arte di Göteborg, alla Galleria Nazionale di Danimarca ed alla Galleria Nazionale di Norvegia e ha contribuito con le decorazioni del Teatro dell'Opera di Stoccolma.

Axel Adolf Harald Jungstedt nacque il 17 marzo 1859 a Norrköping nell'Östergötland, in Svezia, figlio di Johan Nils Jungstedt e Matilda Sundius.
Era il fratello della cantante lirica Matilda Jungstedt.
Jungstedt studiò con Edvard Perséus alla Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts dal 1878-1883.
Dopo aver completato gli studi, fece viaggi di studio con borse di studio accademiche dal 1884 al 1888 in Italia, Germania e Svizzera.

A Parigi studiò con William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905).
Fece viaggi estivi in Svizzera nel 1886 e nel 1887.
Visse per qualche tempo a Monaco e visitò anche Dresda e Berlino.
Nel 1888 fu di nuovo a Stoccolma e aprì la sua scuola di pittura che operò fino al 1896. I suoi studenti includevano Emerik Stenberg ed Elsa Beskow.

Nel 1899 ricevette il premio Litteris et Artibus.
Dal 1909-1925 fu nominato professore presso la Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
Nel 1890 ricevette il suo primo ordine di ritratti.
Nel 1892 eseguì pale d'altare per la chiesa di Norra Vings e la chiesa di Sura e nel 1905 per la chiesa di Vederslöv e nel 1925 per Storkyrkoförsamlingen a Stoccolma.
Tra le altre sue opere c'era la decorazione del Teatro dell'Opera di Stoccolma.

La sua arte è in mostra al Museo d'Arte di Göteborg e alla Galleria Nazionale di Danimarca a Copenaghen.
È rappresentato alla National Gallery of Norway con il dipinto Dannemora gruver del 1890. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia