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Anna Syberg | Watercolor painter

Anna Louise Birgitte Syberg (7 January 1870 - 4 July 1914) was a Danish painter.
Together with her husband Fritz Syberg, she was one of the Funen Painters (Fynboerne) who lived and worked on the island of Funen. She is remembered for her lively watercolours of flower arrangements.
Anna Syberg was born in Faaborg, Denmark. Her father was artist Peter Syrak Hansen (1833-1904).
She was the sister of artist Peter Hansen (1868-1928).

Anna Syberg attended the technical school in Faaborg after which she studied painting under Ludvig Brandstrup and Karl Jensen in Copenhagen. In 1882, she met Fritz Syberg who was serving an apprenticeship as a house painter with her father Peter Syrak Hansen.
The two quickly fell for each other and after Anna had spent a period decorating porcelain at the Royal Copenhagen factory, they married in 1894 and set up home in the little village of Svanninge, just north of Faaborg.
In 1902, they moved to Pilegården near Kerteminde, also on the island of Funen, where Anna became a close friend of Johannes Larsen, another member of the Fynboerne group of artists.

From 1910-1913, the family spent three years at Pisa in Italy.
From 1898, Anna Syberg exhibited at Charlottenborg and in 1912 her works were presented at Den Frie Udstilling.
She was frequently a model for her husband and appears in several of his works.
During her lifetime, she received little recognition for her work, often being referred to as a flower painter.
This was probably due to the fact that it was difficult for women artists to enter what was essentially a men's world.

Personal life

Anna Syberg was the mother of several children including artist Ernst Syberg (1906–1981), composer Franz Syberg (1904-1955) and actress Johanne Marie Birgitte Giersing (1896-1944).
Anna Syberg died in Copenhagen and was buried at Faaborg.

Fritz Syberg | Anna Syberg at her easel, 1910

Anna Louise Birgitte Syberg (7 gennaio 1870-4 luglio 1914) è stata una pittrice Danese.
Insieme al marito Fritz Syberg, è stata una dei Pittori di Funen (Fynboerne) che ha vissuto e lavorato sull'isola di Funen.
È ricordata per i suoi vivaci acquerelli di composizioni floreali.

Anna Syberg è nata a Faaborg, in Danimarca. Suo padre era l'artista Peter Syrak Hansen (1833-1904).
Era la sorella dell'artista Peter Hansen (1868-1928). Anna Syberg ha frequentato la scuola tecnica a Faaborg, dopodiché ha studiato pittura con Ludvig Brandstrup e Karl Jensen a Copenaghen.
Nel 1882 conobbe Fritz Syberg che stava svolgendo un apprendistato come imbianchino con suo padre Peter Syrak Hansen.

I due si innamorarono rapidamente e dopo che Anna aveva trascorso un periodo a decorare porcellane presso la fabbrica Royal Copenhagen, si sposarono nel 1894 e si stabilirono nel piccolo villaggio di Svanninge, appena a nord di Faaborg.
Nel 1902 si trasferirono a Pilegården vicino a Kerteminde, sempre sull'isola di Fionia, dove Anna divenne un'amica intima di Johannes Larsen, un altro membro del gruppo di artisti Fynboerne.

Dal 1910-1913 la famiglia trascorse tre anni a Pisa in Italia.
Dal 1898 Anna Syberg espone a Charlottenborg e nel 1912 le sue opere vengono presentate a Den Frie Udstilling.
Era spesso una modella per suo marito ee appare in molte delle sue opere.

Durante la sua vita, ha ricevuto pochi riconoscimenti per il suo lavoro, spesso definita una pittrice di fiori.
Ciò era probabilmente dovuto al fatto che era difficile per le artiste donne entrare in quello che era essenzialmente un mondo maschile. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia