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Francis Sydney Muschamp | Pittore di genere

Francis Sydney Muschamp was an British painter, the son of the landscape painter, Francis Muschamp (active 1865-1881).
The family moved to London in 1865, the year that Muschamp Sr. began to exhibit at the Royal Society of British Artists.
The younger Muschamp began to exhibit at the Royal Society of British Artists in 1870 and continued to exhibit his paintings at the major halls until 1903.

Francis Sydney Muschamp was greatly influenced by Lawrence Alma-Tadema and Lord Leighton, and other leading classical artists of the era.
He had a special love for ancient mythology, 19th-century romance, and Elizabethan dramas, as evidence by the titles of his paintings:
"The Merchant of Venice", "The Sonnet", "Much Ado about Nothing", "Juliet and her Nurse", "The Fool and Maria: A Scene for Twelfth Night", "The Winning of the Golden Fleece and Ivanhoe".

He exhibited at: The Royal Academy (1884-1903); Suffolk Street; Royal Society of Artists, Birmingham; Dudley Gallery and New Dudley Gallery; Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool; Manchester City Gallery; Royal Society of British Artists; Royal Hibernian Academy; and the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Francis Sydney Muschamp was elected a member of the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) in 1893.

Francis Sydney Muschamp è stato un pittore Britannico, figlio del paesaggista Francis Muschamp (attivo dal 1865-1881).
La famiglia si trasferì a Londra nel 1865, anno in cui Muschamp Sr. iniziò ad esporre alla Royal Society of British Artists.
Il giovane Muschamp iniziò ad esporre alla Royal Society of British Artists nel 1870 e continuò ad esporre i suoi dipinti nelle sale principali fino al 1903.
Francis Sydney Muschamp è stato fortemente influenzato da Lawrence Alma-Tadema e Lord Leighton e da altri importanti artisti classici dell'epoca.

Aveva un amore speciale per la mitologia antica, il romanticismo del XIX secolo ed i drammi elisabettiani, come dimostrano i titoli dei suoi dipinti: "Il mercante di Venezia", "Il sonetto", "Molto rumore per nulla", "Giulietta e la sua nutrice", "Il pazzo e Maria: Una scena per La dodicesima notte", "La vittoria del vello d'oro e Ivanhoe" ecc.

Espose a:
The Royal Academy (1884-1903); Suffolk Street; Royal Society of Artists, Birmingham; Galleria Dudley e Nuova Galleria Dudley; Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool; Galleria del Manchester City; Società reale degli artisti britannici; Royal Hibernian Academy; ed il Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Francis Sydney Muschamp è stato eletto membro della Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) nel 1893.