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Thomas Dewing | Lady in Yellow, 1888

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851-1938) created a striking contrast between the precisely modeled face and arms, and the very free, feathery brushstrokes of the dress.

The painting was exhibited in 1888 at the Boston Art Club, where it was purchased by Isabella Stewart Gardner with the help of Dennis Miller Bunker.
The painting was then exhibited to considerable acclaim at the National Academy of Design and at the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889.
Stanford White designed the frame, which is original to the painting. Mrs. Gardner hung the painting in the Yellow Room, a setting perfectly attuned to the hue of the woman’s dress. | Source: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Thomas Wilmer Dewing | Lady in Yellow, 1888 | Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851-1938) ha creato un contrasto sorprendente tra il viso e le braccia modellati con precisione e le pennellate molto libere e piumate del vestito.

Il dipinto fu esposto nel 1888 al Boston Art Club, dove fu acquistato da Isabella Stewart Gardner con l'aiuto di Dennis Miller Bunker.
Il dipinto fu poi esposto con notevole successo alla National Academy of Design ed all'Esposizione Universale di Parigi del 1889.
Stanford White disegnò la cornice, che è originale del dipinto.
La signora Gardner ha appeso il dipinto nella Stanza Gialla, un ambiente perfettamente in sintonia con il colore del vestito della donna. | Fonte: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Thomas Wilmer Dewing | The Spinet, 1902 | Smithsonian American Art Museum Washington DC

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (May 4, 1851 - November 5, 1938) was an American painter working at the turn of the 20th century.
Schooled in Paris, Dewing was noted for his figure paintings of aristocratic women. He was a founding member of the Ten American Painters and taught at the Art Students League of New York.

The Freer Gallery of Art at the Smithsonian Institution has a collection of his works.
He was the husband of fellow artist Maria Oakey Dewing.

Thomas Dewing | Walt Whitman, 1875 | Smithsonian American Art Museum Museum

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (Newton Lower Fall, 4 maggio 1851 – Cornish, 5 novembre 1938) è stato un pittore impressionista statunitense.
Tecnicamente "tonalista", fece parte dei Ten American Painters".