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Alfred Sisley at the Museum Barberini

Located in Potsdam’s historic center (Germany), the Museum Barberini is an art museum that was initiated by Hasso Plattner, the founder of the German software company SAP and a patron of the arts.
Since its opening in 2017, the Barberini has established itself as one of the most popular museums in Germany with international exhibitions and an extraordinary collection of Impressionist paintings.
From Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt van Rijn, and Gerhard Richter to ancient sculpture, French Impressionism and Baroque painting, the Museum Barberini embraces all styles and eras, and aims to continually offer new perspectives on art.

Alfred Sisley | Near Moret-sur-Loing, 1881 | Museum Barberini

In 1882 Alfred Sisley moved to Moret-sur-Loing, a town to the south of Paris, where he explored the landscape that was crisscrossed by rivers and canals.
The wooden construction in the foreground likely belongs to one of the boatyards that dotted the Loing Canal, which was used for industrial purposes.
The detail of this construction adds a modern element to the timeless scenery.

Alfred Sisley | Winter in Moret | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | My House at Moret, 1892 | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley painted the blooming lilacs in his garden from the window of his studio. The cropping seems random, as is often the case in photography.
The blue-violet color that attracted him here is also seen in the façades and the roofs of the surrounding houses. Even the woman and child on the garden path are included in this harmony of the color blue.

Alfred Sisley | Die Orvanne und der Loing Kanal im Winter | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | Wiesen von Veneux Nadon | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | Raureif Martini Sommer | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | Wintermorgen | Museum Barberini

Situato nel centro storico di Potsdam (Germania), il Museum Barberini è un museo d'arte avviato da Hasso Plattner, fondatore della società di software tedesca SAP e mecenate delle arti.
Dalla sua apertura nel 2017, il Barberini si è affermato come uno dei musei più apprezzati della Germania con mostre internazionali ed una straordinaria collezione di dipinti impressionisti.
Da Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt van Rijn e Gerhard Richter alla scultura antica, all'impressionismo francese e alla pittura barocca, il Museo Barberini abbraccia tutti gli stili e le epoche e mira ad offrire continuamente nuove prospettive sull'arte.

Alfred Sisley | Bei Moret sur Loing | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | Strasse in Louveciennes Schnee | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | The Loing at Moret, 1883 | Museum Barberini

The expansive sky and river dominate this composition, with fresh blue and white dominating the picture’s overall color scheme.
The red roof of a wooden boatyard marks a bright accent on the right.
Several people stand together on the left riverbank, where they have just been brought over by a ferryman.
Such details are typical elements in Alfred Sisley’s landscapes, which capture a particular moment in time.

Alfred Sisley | Schnee in Louveciennes | Museum Barberini

Alfred Sisley | Die Steinbrueche in Veneux in der Sonne Morgen | Museum Barberini