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Wisława Szymborska | Nulla due volte accade / Nothing Twice

Nulla due volte accade
nè accadrà. Per tal ragione
si nasce senza esperienza,
si muore senza assuefazione.

Anche agli alunni più ottusi
della scuola del pianeta
di ripeter non è dato
le stagioni del passato.

Marc Chagall | The window in the country, 1915

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Maurice Ehlinger | Figurative painter

"I was just four years old and I said to myself: I too will paint!
I drew a lot and I escaped into nature where I was interested in everything.
I often skipped school, taking paper and colors with me".
- Maurice Ehlinger

Maurice Ambroise Ehlinger (1896-1981) was a French painter.
He joined the School of Fine Arts in Nancy.
Unfortunately, during the 1st World War, he was incorporated in 1916 and was not demobilized until 1919.
On his return, he went to Paris and joined the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts where he became a pupil of the French painter François Flameng (1856-1923).

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Vincent van Gogh | River Bank in Springtime, 1887 | Dallas Museum of Art

The light, fresh tones and free brush strokes in this painting of the banks of the Seine are characteristic of a period in Vincent van Gogh's life when, having left Holland to work in Paris, he was absorbing the methods of the impressionist and neo-impressionist, or pointillist, artists.
The traces of red paint visible around the edges of the painting are the remnants of a vibrant red border.
Van Gogh painted similar red borders on two other landscapes of the same size as this picture, and it is believed that they were originally shown together as a triptych. | Source: © Dallas Museum of Art

Vincent van Gogh | River Bank in Springtime, 1887 | Dallas Museum of Art

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Madre Teresa di Calcutta | È Natale / It’s Christmas

È Natale ogni volta
che sorridi a un fratello
e gli tendi la mano.

È Natale ogni volta
che rimani in silenzio
per ascoltare l’altro.

Albert Maignan (French painter, 1845-1908) | The Repudiated, 1882

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Boris Pasternak | La Stella di Natale / A Star of the Nativity

"Star of the Nativity" è uno dei sei poemi nella sequenza lirica più lunga che Boris Leonidovič Pasternak (Scrittore e poeta Russo, 1890-1960) pubblicò come ultimo capitolo del Doctor Zhivago.
Cinque delle sei poesie ruotano attorno alla Passione.
"Stella della Natività" è l'unica eccezione.

Boris Pasternak | La Stella di Natale

Era pieno inverno.
Soffiava il vento dalla steppa.
E aveva freddo il neonato nella grotta
sul pendio della collina.

Giorgio Vasari | The Adoration of the Magi, 1567 | National Galleries of Scotland

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Marta Zamarska, 1987

Marta Zamarska is an emerging Polish artist and the runner-up of Back to Nature Showdown on Saatchi Art with her painting that judge Ged Quinn described as "Monet meets Edward Hopper".
Her painting "A Railway Impression II" was exhibited in the Saatchi gallery in London.
Marta Zamarska is one of 12 artists included in Invest in Art Part II on Saatchi Art.
She was also featured in the Best of 2013 on Saatchi Art.

Marta Zamarska | A Railway Impression II

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Edouard Menta | Impressionist painter

Edouard John Menta (Swiss, 1858-1915) | Déjeuner sur la terrasse | Christie's

From: Christie's

Born in Geneva, Menta was a pupil of Barthlemy Menn.
Beginning as a landscape painter, Menta switched to genre scenes and portraits.
In "Déjeuner sur la terrasse" we can see the contrasting style of his work.

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Galileo Chini | Festa dell’ultimo dell’anno a Bangkok, 1911-13

Nel 1910 Galileo Chini (Firenze 1873-1956), poliedrico protagonista dello stile Liberty, era stato incaricato da Rama V, re del Siam, di decorare alcuni ambienti del Palazzo del Trono a Bangkok, realizzato da architetti ed ingegneri italiani.
Il sovrano durante un viaggio in Italia aveva ammirato le decorazioni di Chini alla Biennale di Venezia ed impegnò il pittore a Bangkok dal 1911-1913.
L’artista, già affascinato dalle suggestioni dell’arte orientale, si trovò pienamente a suo agio in quella cultura visiva: il re aveva del resto apprezzato il suo sfavillante universo cromatico che, in linea con il gusto secessionista, sintetizzava perfettamente forma e colore e poteva adattarsi bene ai preziosissimi intagli e alle lussuose decorazioni marmoree del palazzo reale.

Galileo Chini | Festa dell’ultimo dell’anno a Bangkok, 1911-13 | Palazzo Pitti

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Heinrich Heine | Die Lorelei / Il canto di Lorelei, 1824

Il Lorelei è una roccia nel fiume Reno, oggetto di numerose leggende, poesie e canzoni.
Secondo la leggenda, Lorelei era una bellissima ondina del fiume Reno, che attirava a sé gli uomini col suo canto e con il suo aspetto, causando naufragi e sciagure.
Un giorno, per vendicare il figlio morto, un nobile inviò i suoi soldati ad uccidere la fanciulla, soldati che seppero resistere al suo incanto e che l'avrebbero uccisa, se lei non avesse chiamato suo padre in aiuto: egli mandò un cavallo di schiuma che condusse la ninfa nelle profondità del fiume, da cui ella non fece più ritorno.
Da allora, i marinai non dovettero più temere gli inganni di Lorelei.

Charles Edward Hallé (1846-1914) | Lorelei, the Nymph of the Rhine

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Victor Prouvé | Art Nouveau painter

Victor Emile Prouvé, born 13 August 1858 in Nancy, dead 15 February 1943 at Sétif (Algeria), was a French painter, sculptor and engraver of the Art Nouveau École de Nancy.
He designed decors of glass works and furniture for Émile Gallé.
He worked for Eugène Vallin, Fernand Courteix, the Daum Brothers and Albert Heymann.

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Pablo Neruda | Restare in silenzio / Keeping Quiet

Ora conteremo fino a dodici
e tutti resteremo fermi.

Una volta tanto sulla faccia della terra,
non parliamo in nessuna lingua;
fermiamoci un istante,
e non gesticoliamo tanto.

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Vincent van Gogh | Vase with carnations, 1986

Vincent van Gogh | Vase with carnations, 1986 | Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

This floral still life arose in the period between July and September 1886, when Vincent van Gogh was staying in Paris.
He had moved into the apartment on the Rue Lepic belonging to his brother Theo. Theo worked for the art agency Goupil and Cie; he was in charge of the branch on the Boulevard Montmartre.

Vincent van Gogh | Vase with carnations, 1986 | Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

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Juana Romani in mostra a Sarasota, in Florida, fino il 22 gennaio 2023

Quest'estate (2022), The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art - il Museo d'arte statale della Florida, ha apportato un'importante aggiunta alla sua collezione di arte europea del XIX secolo, con l'acquisizione di un'opera straordinaria della pittrice italiana Juana Romani (1867-1924).
Si tratta del dipinto intitolato Femme au fond rouge (Donna su sfondo rosso) - eseguito dalla pittrice nel 1902, la quale viene presentata per la prima volta dalla Ringling Museum nell'ambito della mostra A Decade of Collecting, presso la galleria dell'Arthur F. and Ulla R. Searing Wing a Sarasota, in Florida.

Juana Roman | Woman on a Red Background, 1902 | The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

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Gustave Flaubert | Il Dizionario dei luoghi comuni, 1911

Nella sua inesausta lotta contro la stupidità umana, lo scrittore Francese Gustave Flaubert compose il "Dizionario dei luoghi comuni", cioè delle opinioni che per la loro stessa banalità comportano l'adesione del maggior numero di persone.
"Vi si troverà, in ordine alfabetico, su tutti gli argomenti possibili, tutto ciò che bisogna dire in società per essere un uomo come si deve e amabile".

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Gustave Flaubert | Citazioni sull'arte

"Se c'è sulla terra e fra tutti i nulla qualcosa da adorare, se esiste qualcosa di santo, di puro, di sublime, qualcosa che assecondi questo smisurato desiderio dell'infinito e del vago che chiamano anima, questa è l'arte".

"Se ho provato momenti di entusiasmo, li devo all'arte; eppure, quanta vanità in essa! voler raffigurare l'uomo in un blocco di pietra o l'anima attraverso le parole, i sentimenti con dei suoni e la natura su una tela verniciata".

Henri Chapu | Memorial to Gustave Flauberts

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Archip Ivanovič Kuindži | Paesaggista

Nel 1913 Il’ja Repin disse su Archip Kuindži:
"L’illusione della luce era il suo dio, e non c’era artista capace di raggiungere questa meraviglia della pittura in egual misura".

Archip Ivanovič Kuindži (Архип Иванович Куинджи; Mariupol', 27 gennaio 1842 - San Pietroburgo, 24 luglio 1910) è stato un pittore Russo, specializzato in soggetti paesaggistici e di origine dai greci del Ponto, detti anche pontici o greci del Mar Nero.

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Friedrich Kaulbach | Portrait / Historical scenes painter

Theodor Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Kaulbach (8 July 1822 - 17 September 1903) was a German painter from Bad Arolsen, Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont.
His father was Christian Kaulbach (1777-1847), a cabinet maker in Arolsen.
He was also the cousin and at one time the student of the painter Wilhelm von Kaulbach, son of Philipp Karl Friedrich v. Kaulbach (1775-1846), goldsmith and amateur painter.

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Franz Xaver Petter | Still life of flowers

Franz Xaver Andreas Petter (23 October 1791 - 11 May 1866) was an Austrian artist.
Petter was born in Lichtental; his father was a painter of porcelain, and it was intended that he should follow in the same profession, but Petter developed an interest in oil painting.
He studied under Johann Baptist Drechsler at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

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François Barraud | Figurative painter

François Barraud (24 November 1899 - 11 September 1934) was a Swiss painter.
Barraud was the second eldest of four brothers who all painted or sculpted at various points in their lives.
The brothers, François, Aimé, Aurèle and Charles, were largely self-taught artists having been raised as professional plasterers and house painters.
Barraud attended evening classes at the local art school in 1911 together with his brothers.

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Georg Macco | Orientalist painter

Georg Macco (23 March 1863, Aachen - 20 April 1933, Genoa) was a German landscape painter and illustrator, associated with the Düsseldorfer Malerschule.
He is primarily known for his Orientalist works.
He was inspired by stories of his great-great-uncle, the history and portrait painter Alexander Macco, who painted a portrait of the Queen of Prussia and was a close friend of Beethoven and Goethe.

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Adolf Dietrich | Naïve painter

Adolf Dietrich (November 9, 1877 - June 4, 1957) was one of the most renowned Naïve artists and Swiss painters of the 20th century.
Adolf Dietrich was born to poor farmers in the canton of Thurgau as the youngest of 7 children.
Upon discovering his exceptional graphical talents, his schoolteacher suggested that he become a lithographer.
His parents, however, refused since he was needed as a farmhand.

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Ernst Samuel Geiger | Landscape painter

Ernst Samuel Geiger ((Turgi, 1876 - Villeneuve, 1965)) was a Swiss painter and woodcutter.
Geiger was the son of the wine merchant Ulrich and Sophie, née Schwarz. His sister Marie was the mother of Max Bill.
From 1892 to 1896 Geiger attended the Alte Kantonsschule Aarau, where he was a classmate of Albert Einstein and received drawing lessons from Max Wolfinger.

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Josef Schuster (1873-1945) | Still Life painter

Josef Schuster (July 26, 1873 in Vienna-Heiligenstadt - February 8, 1945 in Vienna) was an Austrian painter.
He was the son of a railway official and painter and brother of the painter Karl Maria Schuster.
After a year of private lessons, Josef Schuster studied as a guest from 1895 to 1897, then as a regular student until 1904 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Christian Griepenkerl and Kazimierz Pochwalski.

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Joseph Schuster | Still life of flowers

Joseph Schuster (June 17, 1812 in Grätz, Austrian Silesia - March 15, 1890 in Vienna) was an Austrian flower painter.
He is not to be confused with the painter Josef Schuster (1873-1945).
Joseph (Josef) Schuster moved to Vienna with his family when he was a child, where he attended the first two classes of high school.

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Raymond Wintz (French, 1884-1956)

Raymond Wintz (Joseph Raimond Wintz) was a Paris-born painter and engraver whose most famous paintings were of marine and coastal views in Brittany.
He is best known for his painting The Blue Door, which is still widely available as a poster and print.


Raymond Wintz was born on 25 March 1884.
He was the son of the painter Guillaume Wintz (1823-1899) and the husband of the painter Renée Carpentier-Wintz (1913-2003).

Raymond Wintz | The Blue Door, 1927

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Pio Joris | Genre painter

Pio Joris (8 June 1843 - 6 March 1921) was an Italian painter, engraver and watercolorist.
Pio Joris was born in Rome and attended the Istituto di Belle Arti as a child.
In 1861, he enrolled at the Accademia di San Luca, where he remained for just a year.
On a visit to the 1st Esposizione Nazionale di Belle Arti of Florence in 1861, he was attracted by the naturalistic works from the Naples school.

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Alexandra Savina, 1962 | Cubist painter

Alexandra Savina was born and brought up in Kiev, Ukraine and graduated from the Fine Art School and Teachers College (Department of Art).
She worked as an art teacher and designer.
In 2005, Aleksandra came to Canada and currently resides in Toronto.
She was mesmerized by the beautiful landscapes of her new country and home, and these landscapes have become her new source of inspiration.

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Pierre-Joseph Redouté | The Raphael of flowers

Pierre-Joseph Redouté (10 July 1759 - 19 June 1840), was a painter and botanist from Belgium, known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at the Château de Malmaison, many of which were published as large, coloured stipple engravings.
He was nicknamed "the Raphael of flowers" and has been called the greatest botanical illustrator of all time.
Redouté produced over 2,100 published plates depicting over 1,800 different species, many never rendered before.

Redouté was an official court artist of Marie Antoinette, and continued painting through the French Revolution and Reign of Terror.
He survived the turbulent political upheaval to gain international recognition for his precise renderings of plants, which remain as fresh in the early 21st century as when first painted.

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Dmitri Spiros, 1971 | Pittore Impressionista astratto

Dmitry Spiros è un artista impressionista contemporaneo, cresciuto nell'Asia centrale.
Attualmente vive e lavora in Messico.
Spiros ha iniziato a studiare pittura nel 1992 e ha conseguito il diploma cinque anni dopo.

Il genere preferito di Spiros è il paesaggio urbano ed astratto.

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Michel Devanakis, 1962 | Figurative painter

Michel Devanakis is a contemporary figurative painter. He lives and works in Athens, Greece.
- "Restless autodidact, adventurer and traveller, making art to live and share my own moments of wonder and happiness!Works held in private collections in Canada, France, Greece and Italy.
Born and raised in Douala (Cameroon) from Greek parents, I studied Graphic Design and advertising in France.
In the years following my studies, I lived and worked in many countries (France, Bermuda, Mexico, Canada) before settling in Greece in 1997, where I founded my own agency.
I have been awarded for my design works and have been the art director for numerous magazines (+Design, Insider Athens, Bonjour, etc.)".

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Betsy Osieck (1880-1968)

Betsy Westendorp-Osieck (29 dicembre 1880-1 marzo 1968) è stata una pittrice, acquarellista, acquaforte, pastellista e disegnatrice Olandese che faceva parte del gruppo di pittura Amsterdamse Joffers.

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Lizzy Ansingh (1875-1959)

Maria Elisabeth Georgina Ansingh è stata una pittrice Olandese.
Ansingh apparteneva a un gruppo di pittrici post-impressioniste influenzate dal movimento dell'Impressionismo di Amsterdam chiamato Amsterdamse Joffers.
Fu anche membro dei circoli artistici (ancora esistenti) di Amsterdam Arti et Amicitiae e Sint Lucas.
Morì ad Amsterdam il 14 dicembre 1959.

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Lynn Noelle Rushton, 1967

Award winning artist Lynn Noelle Rushton focuses on work-a-day scenes from daily life.
Both in oils and the ancient hot wax medium of encaustic, Rushton's work has been exhibited in one-person, regional, and national juried shows.
Her honors include an archival file at the National Museum for Women in the Arts, images in the J. Paul Getty/Art Calendar International Registry for Art and Artists and listing on the Texas Commission on the Arts' Artist in Residency.

Lynn Noelle Rushton
Lynn Noelle Rushton

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Charles Sillem Lidderdale | Genre painter

Charles Sillem Lidderdale (1830, St.Petersburg - 1895, London) was an British artist of promise who exhibited 36 paintings at the Royal Academy from 1856-1893.
His career was marred by eyesight trouble which, after lengthy and skilful treatment by Tirgolin Tweedy, the oculist, yielded sufficiently to enable him to continue his work.
Unfortunately, he had to give up watercolour, a medium more exacting than oils.
But his watercolours, though not numerous, were admired both for their technique and colour.

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Sibilla Aleramo | Lettere d’amore a Lina Poletti

Marta Felicina Faccio detta Rina, nota anche con lo pseudonimo di Sibilla Aleràmo (Alessandria, 14 agosto 1876 - Roma, 13 gennaio 1960), è stata una scrittrice, poetessa e giornalista Italiana.
È ricordata per il suo romanzo autobiografico "Una donna" (1901-1904) in cui dipinse la condizione femminile in Italia a cavallo fra il XIX ed il XX secolo. Si tratta infatti di uno dei primi libri femministi apparsi in Italia.

Tamara de Lempicka

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Sibilla Aleramo | Tentazione

Hai avuto un gesto delle mani, dolce,
mentre parlavi dell’amore femineo,
hai figurato col cavo delle mani dolcemente
la raccolta e tremula dedizione d’un cuore.

Maria Amaral

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Ernest Biéler (Swiss, 1863-1948)

Born in 1863 in Rolle, Ernest Biéler left for Paris at the age of seventeen to study in the city’s art schools.
He works under the influence of impressionism at first and paints an initial masterpiece that causes quite a stir at the 1889 World’s Fair (Pendant la messe à Saint-Germain en Savièse - During the Mass in Saint-Gemain in Savièse, 1886), the picture’s subject being inspired by a stay in the Canton of Valais.
Illustrating the novels of Emile Zola, Alphonse Daudet and Victor Hugo - over and above the few portrait commissions that come in - makes it possible for him to live in the French capital.

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Phil Lockwood | Scenery painter

From Lockwood’s website, his self-description: "I was born - Sheffield, England and I am now living in the Ecclesall area of the city.
My training was at:
Junior School of Art and Design (Sheffield)
Sheffield College of Art and Crafts
Leeds College of Art
Retford (Teaching Certificate).

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Camille Corot: "Le prime due cose da studiare sono la forma ed i valori".

""Ho imparato dall'esperienza che è utile iniziare disegnando il proprio quadro in modo chiaro su una tela vergine, avendo prima notato l'effetto desiderato su una carta bianca o grigia, e poi fare il quadro sezione per sezione, il più immediatamente possibile, in modo che quando è stato tutto coperto ci sia ben poco da ritoccare. Ho notato che tutto ciò che è finito in una sola seduta è più fresco, meglio disegnato e trae più profitto da molti fortunati incidenti, mentre quando si ritocca questo iniziale splendore armonioso si perde. Penso che questo metodo sia particolarmente buono per il fogliame, che ha bisogno di una buona dose di libertà". - Citazione dai "Quaderni" di Corot (1796-1875), ca. 1828.

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Frank Holl R.A. | Portrait painter

From: British Museum
Draughtsman, illustrator, painter and royal portraitist; born in Kentish Town, London, to a family of engravers; received his first instruction from his father, Francis Holl, ARA; educated at University College School and entered the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 15 in 1860, receiving a silver medal in 1862 and gold in 1863; exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1864 until his death; becoming an Associate in 1878 and an Academician in 1883; his major works included portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales and prominent politicians.

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Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918)

Thérèse Schwartze (Amsterdam, 20 dicembre 1851 - Amsterdam, 23 dicembre 1918) è stata una pittrice Olandese, molto celebrata nel suo tempo, che unì grandi competenze tecniche di ritrattista con un eccellente senso degli affari.
Nata ad Amsterdam nel 1851, Thérèse era la figlia del pittore di origine americana Johan Georg Schwartze, da cui ricevette la sua prima formazione.
In seguito andò a studiare per un anno presso il Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten e poi si recò a Monaco di Baviera dove proseguì i suoi studi insieme a Gabriel von Max e Franz von Lenbach.

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Mats Åkerman, 1956 | Modern painter

Mats Åkerman, born in Stockholm, is a Swedish painter, draftsman and graphic artist.
He has created his own fantasy world which he calls "The Swagi Union".
The main character in this world is called Rocco Rivarossi and the story takes place mostly in the 1950s.
The pictures often depict restaurants, boats, trains and urban environments.

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Walter MacEwen | Genre painter

Walter MacEwen (13 February 1860, Chicago - 20 March 1943, New York City) was an American painter.
From 1884 to 1914, he often lived and worked in the Netherlands.
He is considered to have been a member of the Egmondse School, named after the mostly American artists' colony near Egmond aan Zee.
He was the son of a merchant and entrepreneur of Scottish origin.

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Louis Justin Maurice Perrey | Genre / Portrait painter

Louis Justin Maurice Perrey (1856-1904) was an French painter of portaits and genre scenes working in late 19th Century. Louis Perrey exhibited at the Paris Salon.

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Janis Rozentāls | Art Nouveau painter

Janis Rozentāls (1866-1916) was a famous Latvian painter.
Rozentāls was born in Bebri Farmstead, Saldus parish, Courland Governorate in the Russian Empire.
He was the son of a blacksmith. He received the basic education at H.Krause's Elementary School in Saldus and Kuldīga District School.
At the age of fifteen he left for Riga aiming to achieve his dream of becoming an artist, later attending Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts.

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Johann Baptist Reiter | Genre painter

Johann Baptist Reiter (28 May 1813, Linz - 10 January 1890, Vienna) was an Austrian portrait and genre painter of the Biedermeier period.
His father was a master carpenter. He spent three years as an apprentice at his father's company, painting furniture, signs and crosses.
Encouraged by the lithographer and art dealer, Josef Hafner, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.
His teachers there included Leopold Kupelwieser and Thomas Ender.

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Martin Drolling | Genre painter

Martin Drolling (Oberhergheim, September 19, 1752 - Paris, April 16, 1817, aka Drolling the Elder) was a French painter.
He was father to Michel Martin Drolling, and to Louise-Adéone Drölling, one of the few successful female painters of the time.
Martin Drolling, a native of Oberhergheim, near Colmar, was born in 1752.
He received his first lessons in art from an obscure painter of Schlestadt, but afterwards went to Paris and entered the École des Beaux-Arts.

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Cecilia Beaux | Impressionist painter

Cecilia Beaux (1855-1942) è stata una pittrice Statunitense.
Ritrattista, fu un'esponente autorevole dell'impressionismo Americano.
Iniziò la sua attività artistica dipingendo su porcellana e producendo litografie e disegni.
Fu allieva di Catharine Ann Drinker nel 1871, e dell'olandese Francis Adolf van der Wielen dal 1872-1873; si iscrisse alla Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts di Filadelfia dal 1877-1878 per studiare ancora con Camille Piton nel 1879 e con William Sartain dal 1881-1883.

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Léon Lhermitte | Les Halles, 1895

From: Petit Palais - City of Paris Fine Art Museum
Léon Lhermitte was chosen in 1889 to create a monumental painting for Paris City Hall.
The painter’s choice of a contemporary subject, the delivery of goods to Les Halles, broke with the tradition of an allegorical theme.
Originally from Picardy, Lhermitte was a master of Realism, an artistic movement which developed in France at the end of the 19th century, following on from Courbet and influenced by the novels by Zola.
The painter’s aim was to testify to life at the time, and he drew scenes of everyday life on the spot, which he then used to paint large compositions.
In 1882 he painted Paying the harvesters (Musée d’Orsay), which was his first major success.

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Winslow Homer | The Life Line, 1884

The Life Line is a late 19th-century painting by American artist Winslow Homer (1836-1910).
Done in oil on canvas, the painting depicts the rescue of a passenger from a stricken ship.
The work - one of Homer's most iconic - is in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

From: Philadelphia Museum of Art
The dramatic rescue from a foundering ship shown here was made possible by a recent innovation in lifesaving technology, the breeches buoy.
Secured firmly to ship and shore, the device permitted the transfer of stranded passengers to safety by means of a pulley that was hauled back and forth by crews at either end.