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Charles Pompilius, 1954 | Pittore Figurativo

Based out of Rochester, Michigan, Charles Pompilius is a full-time painter working both with the human figure and scenes inspired by the Great Lakes.
His paintings have been shown in exhibitions throughout the United States.
He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Central Michigan University as well as a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Iowa.
Pompilius has taught painting at Wayne State University, College for Creative Studies, and Edinboro University.
He is the recipient of a Pollack-Krasner Award as well as the Michigan Council for the Arts Creative Artist Grant.

In 2011, he completed the official portrait of former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, which now hangs in the capitol rotunda in Lansing.
In 2013, he painted Allan Gilmour, President Emeritus of Wayne State University.
Shortly after in 2016, he completed the portrait of Congressman Fred Upton from Michigan’s sixth district. It currently hangs in the Rayburn Building in Washington, DC.
Charles accepts portrait commissions in oil, pastel and charcoal.

Charles Pompilius è un pittore figurativo con sede a Rochester, nel Michigan.
I suoi dipinti sono stati esposti in mostre in tutti gli Stati Uniti. Ha conseguito un Bachelor of Fine Arts presso la Central Michigan University ed un Master of Fine Arts presso la University of Iowa.
Pompilius ha insegnato pittura alla Wayne State University, al College for Creative Studies ed alla Edinboro University.
Ha ricevuto un Pollack-Krasner Award ed il Michigan Council for the Arts Creative Artist Grant.
Nel 2011, ha completato il ritratto ufficiale dell'ex governatore del Michigan Jennifer Granholm, che ora è appeso nella rotonda del Campidoglio a Lansing.
Nel 2013, ha dipinto Allan Gilmour, presidente emerito della Wayne State University.
Poco dopo, nel 2016, ha completato il ritratto del membro del Congresso Fred Upton del sesto distretto del Michigan.
Attualmente è appeso nel Rayburn Building ad Washington, DC. Charles accetta commissioni di ritratti a olio, pastello e carboncino.