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Robert Brackman (1898-1980)

Robert Brackman was an American artist and teacher, best known for large figural works, portraits, and still lifes.
Robert Brackman was born on September 25, 1898, in Odessa, Russian Empire (now in Ukraine). He immigrated to the United States in 1908 or 1910.
Brackman studied at the National Academy of Design from 1919-1921, and the Ferrer School in San Francisco.
From 1931, he had a long career teaching at the Art Students League of New York where he was a life member.
He also taught at the American Art School in New York City, the Brooklyn Museum School, the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, and the Madison Art School in Connecticut.

In 1932, Brackman was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Associate member, and became a full member in 1940.
He painted portraits of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Charles Lindbergh, John Foster Dulles, Miirrha Alhambra (Pauline Joutard de Evia) as well as portraits commissioned by the United States Air Force Academy and the State Department.
He painted a portrait of actress Jennifer Jones for use as a prop in the 1948 film Portrait of Jennie, where it represents a portrait painted by the character of Eben Adams (Joseph Cotten).

The American artist Elaine Hamilton was a student of Brackman, and so was Itshak Holtz.
Brackman was married to Rochelle Post; they later divorced.
He had two daughters with his second wife.
He died on July 16, 1980, in Noank, Connecticut. | © Wikipedia

Robert Brackman (1898-1980) è stato un artista ed insegnante Americano, noto soprattutto per le grandi opere figurative, i ritratti e le nature morte.
Robert Brackman è nato il 25 settembre 1898 ad Odessa, nell'Impero russo (ora in Ucraina). Emigrò negli Stati Uniti nel 1908 o 1910.
Brackman ha studiato alla National Academy of Design dal 1919-1921 ed alla Ferrer School di San Francisco.

Dal 1931, ha avuto una lunga carriera di insegnante presso l'Art Students League di New York, dove era un membro a vita.
Ha anche insegnato all'American Art School di New York City, alla Brooklyn Museum School, al Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts ed alla Madison Art School nel Connecticut.
Nel 1932, Brackman fu eletto alla National Academy of Design come membro associato e divenne membro a pieno titolo nel 1940.

Dipinse ritratti di John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Charles Lindbergh, John Foster Dulles, Miirrha Alhambra (Pauline Joutard de Evia) e ritratti commissionati dalla United States Air Force Academy ed il Dipartimento di Stato.
Ha dipinto un ritratto dell'attrice Jennifer Jones da utilizzare come oggetto di scena nel film del 1948 Ritratto di Jennie, dove rappresenta un ritratto dipinto dal personaggio di Eben Adams (Joseph Cotten).

L'artista americana Elaine Hamilton fu allieva di Brackman, e così anche Itshak Holtz.
Brackman era sposato con Rochelle Post; in seguito divorziarono.
Ha avuto due figlie con la sua seconda moglie.
Morì il 16 luglio 1980 a Noank, nel Connecticut.