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Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore ,1900

Originally, The Dance on the Shore was part of the collection of twenty-two paintings entitled "The Frieze of Life".
The figures of dancing girls are at the centre of the action being observed by two figures in black – widows. The solitary woman in red symbolises the age of the climax of erotic strength.
The cycle of life is rendered in wide colourful lines dividing the space into multi-coloured bands. | National Gallery, Prague

Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore, 1900 | National Gallery, Prague

Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore, 1900 (detail) | National Gallery, Prague

Originariamente, The Dance on the Shore del 1900 faceva parte della collezione di ventidue dipinti intitolata "The Frieze of Life".
Le figure delle ballerine sono al centro dell'azione osservata da due figure in vedove nere.
La donna solitaria in rosso simboleggia l'età del culmine della forza erotica.
Il ciclo della vita è rappresentato da ampie linee colorate che dividono lo spazio in bande multicolori.

Edvard Munch | Dance on the Shore, 1900 (detail) | National Gallery, Prague

Edvard Munch | The dance of life, 1899-1900 | Munch Museum

Edvard Munch | Woman Looking in a Mirror, 1892