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Daud Akhriev, 1959 | Symbolist painter

Daud Akhriev / Дауд Ахриев was born in the former Soviet Union.
He studied classical painting and drawing for 14 years, graduating with honors from the Repin Institute (Russian Academy of Fine Art) with a masters degree in fine art, under the tutelage of the late painter and Academic, Piotr Fomin.
In 1991 he emigrated to Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Akhriev, now a U.S. citizen, shares his time between Andalusia, Spain and Chattanooga, Tennessee with his artist wife.

Akhriev is internationally sought after as an instructor for figure and landscape painting and for his monumental work.
The Four Seasons, his four 9 foot bronze figures completed for the city of Chattanooga, are listed on the national Public Art Registry.
Additional public art includes the Erlanger Chapel Mosaic and the Baylor School Mosaic, as well as murals at the Collegedale Seventh-Day Adventist Church and St. Peter's Episcopal.
Daud Akhriev, Stylistic Pluralism was published in 2002 by Common Place publishing. He is also featured in Traditions Rediscovered, the Finley Collection of Russian Art.
Akhriev’s drawings are in several books about the Repin Institute, both in Russian language and in Chinese, and in numerous magazines such as Artists Magazine, Pastel Journal, Island Journal, Chattanooga Magazine, Southern Living and American Art Collector.
He has received numerous awards from Oil Painters of America, Art Renewal Salon, Association of Pastel Painters of Spain, International Juried Biennial, and Greenhouse Gallery’s Salon International in San Antonio, TX.

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Daud Akhriev è nato nell'ex Unione Sovietica nel 1959. Ha studiato pittura e disegno classici per 14 anni, diplomandosi con lode presso l'Istituto Repin (Accademia Russa di Belle Arti) con un master in belle arti, sotto il pittore ed accademico Piotr Fomin.
Nel 1991 è emigrato a Chattanooga, nel Tennessee.
Akhriev, ora cittadino statunitense, condivide il suo tempo tra l'Andalusia, Spagna e Chattanooga, nel Tennessee, con la moglie artista.
Akhriev è ricercato a livello internazionale come istruttore di pittura di figura e paesaggio e per il suo lavoro monumentale.
Ha ricevuto numerosi premi da Oil Painters of America, Pastel Journal, Salon International, Plein Air Magazine ed altri.

"Le quattro stagioni", le sue quattro figure in bronzo di 9 piedi completate per la città di Chattanooga, sono elencate nel registro nazionale dell'arte pubblica.
Altre opere d'arte pubbliche includono il mosaico della cappella di Erlanger e il mosaico della scuola di Baylor, oltre a murales presso la chiesa avventista del settimo giorno Collegedale e l'episcopale di San Pietro. Daud Akhriev, Stylistic Pluralism è stato pubblicato nel 2002 da Common Place Publishing.
È anche presente in Traditions Rediscovered, the Finley Collection of Russian Art.
I disegni di Akhriev sono presenti in diversi libri sull'Istituto Repin, sia in lingua russa che in cinese, ed in numerose riviste come Artists Magazine, Pastel Journal, Island Journal, Chattanooga Magazine, Southern Living e American Art Collector.

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