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Claire Basler, 1960 | Abstract Flowers painter

French artist Claire Basler - born in Vincennes, France - studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts before bringing her work to the world - first exhibiting locally in Paris and later reaching an international audience with gallery exhibits spanning the globe from London to Beijing, Houston to Brussels..
It was at the Louvre, though, where she found her inspiration, spending hours around the masterpieces of the museum’s collections, becoming especially enamoured with the work of 18th Century French artists such as Watteau, which remain a point of reference for her own work.

The artist’s true inspiration, however, comes from nature.

Basler lives and works in a fairytale setting - in a centuries old French castle surrounded by sprawling gardens and rolling fields edged by dense forest...

L'artista Francese Claire Basler, nata a Vincennes, in Francia, ha studiato all'Ecole des Beaux Arts.
Fu al Louvre, però, dove trovò la sua ispirazione, trascorrendo ore intorno ai capolavori delle collezioni del museo, innamorandosi soprattutto del lavoro di artisti francesi del XVIII secolo come Watteau, che rimangono un punto di riferimento per il suo lavoro.
La vera ispirazione dell'artista, però, viene dalla natura.

Basler attualmente risiede in un castello del XIII secolo nella Francia centrale, Château de Beauvoir, dove il suo lavoro e la sua vita si mescolano perfettamente...