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Wilfred Jenkins (British Victorian painter, 1857-1936)

Wilfred Bosworth Jenkins was a little known Victorian artist whose work is, according to the Dictionary of British Artists, now beginning to arouse interest as he painted moonlit street and dock scenes in the style of J. Atkinson Grimshaw🎨.
As with the latter his works, often moonscapes, are incredibly atmospheric depicting a gothic view of Victorian England that inspires as many people today as in Jenkins’s own lifetime.

Jenkins was born in Stow on the Wold in Gloucestershire. His family moved to Leeds in 1871 where Wilfred opened a studio working as a carver and gilder.
He later started painting and began exhibiting his work at first locally, then further afield.
His pictures can now be seen at public galleries in Leeds, Whitby, Harrogate, Manchester and Rotherham and are also held in good private collections throughout the country.

Wilfred Bosworth Jenkins è un artista Vittoriano poco conosciuto il cui lavoro, secondo il Dictionary of British Artists, sta ora iniziando a suscitare interesse con le sue scene di strade e moli illuminati dalla luna nello stile di J. Atkinson Grimshaw🎨.
Come con quest'ultimo, le sue opere, spesso paesaggi lunari, sono incredibilmente suggestive raffiguranti una visione gotica dell'Inghilterra vittoriana che ispira tante persone oggi come nella stessa vita di Jenkins.