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Rémi LaBarre (Canadian, 1977)

Inspired by romance lovers, music, Rémi LaBarre painted series of modern portraits in a vintage theme.
In 1977, in Thetford Mines, Rémi LaBarre gets a first glance of the world. In his childhoold, he draws, often, on paperboards and paper…
One day, a friend who paints suggests testing this medium.
He thus gets some brushes, a few colors and his first painting will dry throughout the days of September 1994. Since then, several paintings, whether portraits or still life, all tales told.

These canvases reflect the lighting of hushed environments pointing to the sensitivity of his influences, John Singer Sargent 1856-1925, Richard Schmid, Fabian Perez and Jack Vettriano.
Rémi LaBarre has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions; has won different prizes and has received an important press coverage.
Mr LaBarre's work is getting international recognition and is now part of both private and public collections.
One of the finest artistic satisfactions for this young man is knowing that Leonard Cohen and his entourage own and appreciate his portrait of this great songwriter and singer.
His inspiration comes from these evenings of shared looks between a man and a woman, from the drink that perhaps changed everything and from the musician who noticed it all from the stage…

Ispirato dal romanticismo e dalla musica, Rémi LaBarre dipinge una serie di ritratti moderni in un tema vintage.
Da bambino disegna, spesso, su cartone e carta... Un giorno, un amico che dipinge suggerisce di provare questo mezzo. Ottiene così alcuni pennelli, alcuni colori ed il suo primo dipinto si asciugherà durante i giorni di settembre 1994.
Ha tratto ispirazione da John Singer Sargent, Richard Schmid, Fabian Perez e Jack Vettriano.
Rémi LaBarre ha partecipato a numerose esposizioni di gruppo e di solista; ha vinto diversi premi e ha ricevuto un'importante copertura stampa.
Il lavoro del sig. LaBarre è riconosciuto a livello internazionale e fa parte di collezioni pubbliche e private.