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Michael Malm (American, 1972)

"My purpose in painting is to communicate the emotions and beauty that I experience to the viewer with the hope that the painting will trigger a similar emotional response in them. Ultimately, I hope my work uplifts and inspires" - Michael Malm.
Michael lives in the beautiful Cache Valley of northern Utah with his wife, Juanita, and their four children.
The surrounding rural communities and setting provide backdrops for his figure paintings and inspiration for his landscapes.
His serious study began under Del Parson at Dixie College where he completed his associate’s degree.

He then went on to Southern Utah University where he had the opportunity to study with Perry Stewart, and completed his formal education at Utah State University where he received a Master of Fine Arts Degree studying under Glen Edwards.
Workshops have also played an important part of his development studying with such master painters as Richard Schmid, Burton Silverman, Daniel Gerhartz, Quang Ho, Ron Hicks, Michael Workman and Jim Norton.
Well versed in a variety of painting styles, from still lifes to landscapes, Michael Malm is perhaps best known for his impressionistic paintings of figures.

"The human figure, in my mind is the most beautiful of God’s creations. So much can be communicated through the tilt of the head, or the gesture of the hand. I strive to capture subtle things such as these in hopes of creating something emotional and moving".

Michael vive nella bellissima Cache Valley dello Utah settentrionale con sua moglie Juanita ed i loro quattro figli.
Le comunità rurali circostanti e l'ambientazione forniscono sfondi per i suoi dipinti di figure e ispirazione per i suoi paesaggi. Il suo studio serio è iniziato sotto Del Parson al Dixie College, dove ha completato la laurea.
Successivamente è andato alla Southern Utah University, dove ha avuto l'opportunità di studiare con Perry Stewart, e ha completato la sua formazione formale presso la Utah State University, dove ha conseguito un Master in Belle Arti studiando con Glen Edwards.
I laboratori hanno anche svolto una parte importante del suo sviluppo studiando con maestri pittori come Richard Schmid, Burton Silverman, Daniel Gerhartz, Quang Ho, Ron Hicks, Michael Workman e Jim Norton.