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John Bradshaw Crandell (American, 1896-1966)

John Bradshaw Crandell was known as the artist of the stars, a glamour painter. Among those who posed for Crandell were Carol Lombard, Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Veronica Lake and Lana Turner.
In 1921 he began his career with an ad for Lorraine hair nets sold exclusively by F. W. Woolworth. His first cover illustration was the May 28, 1921 issue for Judge magazine.
In later life he went from illustrations to oil on canvas paintings which included political figures. He also provided poster work for 20th Century Fox.
In 2006 he was inducted into the Society of Illustrators hall of fame. In March 2010, an illustration for the 1952 Dutch Treat Club yearbook of Crandell's sold for $17.000.