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Egon Schiele | I, eternal child / Io, eterno fanciullo

I, eternal child,
always watched the passage of the rutting people and did not want
to be inside them, I said -
spoke and did not speak, I listened and wanted
to hear them and see into them, strongly and more strongly.

I, eternal child -
I sacrificed myself for others …
who looked and did not see me …

I, eternal child -
brought offerings to others, to those whom I pitied, to those who were far away or did not see me, the seer.
I brought gifts, sent eyes and flickering tremulous air to meet them, fanned out roads before them, easily travelled, and -
did not speak. Before long, some recognized the silent language of the one who looks inside and then did not ask questions anymore.

Io, eterno fanciullo,
sempre seguivo il passo della gente focosa e non volevo essere in loro, dicevo; -
parlavo e non parlavo, ascoltavo e volevo sentirli forte o più forte, e vederli dentro.

Io, eterno fanciullo,
sacrificavo ad altri, a quelli che mi facevano compassione, a quelli che erano molto distanti o non mi vedevano come chi vede.

Io, eterno fanciullo,
Portavo doni, inviavo occhi incontro a loro ed aria tremula sfavillante, tracciavo percorsi superabili -
e non parlavo. -
Presto alcuni riconobbero l’arte dello scrutatore e non domandarono più.