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Louis Gaidan (1847-1925) Neo-Impressionist painter

Louis Gaidan was a French painter🎨 associated with the Neo-Impressionism movement🎨.
He was born in Nîmes to a wealthy family who owned a bank, the Banque Gaidan.
He studied in Paris with the Academic painter Jean Jalabert and later in Nîmes with the landscape painter Paulin Bertrand.
Jalabert taught him the fine draftsmanship of the Academic tradition and from Paulin Bertrand he was exposed to the painting of landscapes en plein air.

He was a member of the Sociétaire des Artistes Français and debuted at the Salon of Paris🎨 in 1887 and continued to exhibit annually there until 1903.
Gaidan did not need to produce a profuse output of paintings; instead, he leisurely painted landscapes of areas throughout Provence, including Nîmes, Toulon, Hyeres, and Carqueiranne, where he owned the "Villa des Agaves".
He was civically active in his native Nîmes, was a founding member of the Société des Amis des Arts and it is said he donated several works to the local museum.
He also showed his work in the Salons in the South of France such as those in Nîmes, Toulouse, Hyères and Monaco.
He is associated with the École Provençal  - a movement of artists who favored subjects from the Provence region of France.
Gaidan painted the immediate area of his residence in luminous and fresh color.
His moderate Pointillism is very harmonious and often compared to Henri Martin🎨.

Louis Gaidan è stato un pittore paesaggista Francese🎨 appartenente al movimento Neo-Impressionista🎨.
Gaidan nacque a Nîmes in una famiglia benestante che possedeva una banca, la Banque Gaidan.
Ha studiato a Parigi con il pittore accademico Jean Jalabert e successivamente a Nîmes, con il paesaggista Paulin Bertrand. Jalabert gli insegnò la raffinata stesura della tradizione accademica e da Paulin Bertrand fu esposto alla pittura di paesaggi en plein air.

Gaidan non aveva bisogno di produrre una produzione abbondante di dipinti; invece, dipinse tranquillamente paesaggi di aree in tutta la Provenza, tra cui Nîmes, Tolone, Hyères e Carqueiranne, dove possedeva la "Villa des Agaves".
Era civicamente attivo nella sua nativa Nîmes, fu membro fondatore della Société des Amis des Arts e si dice che abbia donato diverse opere al museo locale.
Louis Gaidan fu membro della Sociétaire des Artistes Français dal 1889 ed espose al Salon🎨 dal 1887-1903.
È associato all'École Provençal, un movimento di artisti che prediligeva soggetti della regione francese della Provenza.
Gaidan dipinse la zona circostante della sua residenza con colori luminosi e freschi. Il suo moderato puntinismo è molto armonioso e spesso paragonato a Henri Martin🎨.