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Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) | Quotes / Aforismi

Alexandre Dumas | Alì Pascià (novel), 1840 | Painting by Emil Jacobs (1802-1866) Ali Pasha and Kira Vassiliki, 1844

  • "There are two ways of seeing: with the body and with the soul. The body's sight can sometimes forget, but the soul remembers forever".
  • "Ci sono due modi di vedere: con il corpo e con l'anima. La vista del corpo a volte può dimenticare, ma l'anima ricorda per sempre".
  • "As a general rule…people ask for advice only in order not to follow it; or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it".
  • "In generale, si chiedono consigli solo per non seguirli o, se si seguono, è per avere qualcuno da rimproverare per averli dati".

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    Josef Loukota (1879-1967) | Portrait / Genre painter

    Josef Loukota, baptized Josef Jindřich, was a Czech painter🎨, graphic artist, illustrator and professor of the Prague Academy.
    He studied in 1896-1899 at the Prague School of Applied Arts under K.V. Mašek and E.K. Liška; then - at the Prague Academy under Václav Brožík and Hanuš Schwaiger.

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    William R. Leigh (1866-1955) | Western scenes painter

    William Robinson Leigh was an American🎨 artist and illustrator, who was known for his painted Western scenes. William Robinson Leigh was born at Maidstone Manor Farm, Berkeley County, West Virginia.
    He entered the Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts (now known as Maryland Institute College of Art) at age 14, then attended the Royal Academy in Munich.

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    Edward B. Gordon, 1966 | Figurative painter

    Edward B. Gordon is a German painter🎨 who specializes in impressionist portraits.
    An observer, a chronicler of moments, Edward B. Gordon is a passionate portraitist of modern daily life who splits his time between London and Berlin.
    His works use muted, delicate hues and soft brushstrokes to create emotive depictions of his subjects.

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    Charles Baudelaire / Roberto Ferri | Tristezze della luna

    This evening the Moon dreams more languidly,
    Like a beauty who on many cushions rests,
    And with her light hand fondles lingeringly,
    Before she sleeps, the slope of her sweet breasts.

    Roberto Ferri | Tristezze della luna

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    Edward Gordon, 1940 | Interior painter

    Edward Gordon was born in Ocean City, New Jersey and received a BA from Rutgers University.
    Over the past ten years Edward has received numerous honors and awards🎨 including: Cover and Center Spread, Yankee Magazine, March 2000; The Artists Magazine, May 1995; Cover Competition, First Prize, Landscape Division, The Artists Magazine; Finalist in the 1994 Arts for the Parks Competition

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    Marc Chagall | Le vetrate

    Uno dei maggiori contributi di Chagall all'arte è stato il suo lavoro con le vetrate.
    Questo mezzo gli ha permesso di esprimere ulteriormente il suo desiderio di creare colori intensi e freschi e ha avuto il vantaggio aggiuntivo della luce naturale e della rifrazione che interagiscono e cambiano costantemente: tutto, dalla posizione in cui si trova lo spettatore al tempo esterno, altera l'effetto visivo (sebbene questo non è il caso delle sue finestre Hadassah).
    Fu solo nel 1956, quando aveva quasi 70 anni, che disegnò le finestre per la chiesa di Assy, il suo primo grande progetto.
    Famose in tutto il mondo, le magnifiche fiabesche vetrate policrome, della misura di metri 4 per 2,8 circa, sono state realizzate dal grande artista in due anni di lavoro, tra il 1960-1961.
    La prima vetrata fu montata nel 1967, mentre le ultime vennero installate nel 1985, lo stesso anno in cui Chagall morì all'età di 98 anni. Si trovano nella sinagoga del centro medico universitario Hadassah di Gerusalemme e nell'atrio aperto al pubblico del Palazzo delle Nazioni Unite ONU a New York, NY, Stati Uniti d'America.

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    Cesare Pavese | Agony / Agonia, 1933

    Frantz Charlet (Belgian Impressionist painter, 1862-1928) | A promenade in Vonaco

    I’ll wander the streets till I’m dead tired,
    I’ll learn to live alone and look each passing face
    straight in the eye and still be what I am.
    This coolness ascending in me, searching through my veins,
    is an awakening each morning that I’ve never felt
    so real -except that I feel stronger
    than my body, and a colder shiver comes each morning now.

    The mornings I had at twenty are now far: away.
    And tomorrow, twenty-one: tomorrow I’ll go out in tile
    streets -
    I remember every stone, and the layers of the sky.

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    Italico Brass (1870-1943)

    Italico Brass was an Italian painter🎨 and set designer, of irredentist political trends. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich under the landscape painter Karl Raupp (1837-1918).
    In 1888 he moved to Paris, which had become the world’s contemporary art capital and a destination of choice for many Italian artists.
    There he married a Russian woman called Lina Rebecca Vidgoff.
    The couple settled permanently in Venice in 1895.

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    Salvatore Quasimodo | Alleyway / Vicolo

    Sometimes your voice calls to me,
    and I do not know what skies
    or waters you wake me to:

    A net of sunlight that glazes
    your walls that at evening were
    a swaying of late lanterns
    in the workshops filled
    with the breeze and sadness.

    Telemaco Signorini (1835-1901)| Il ghetto di Firenze, 1892

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    Josef Kinzel (1852-1925) | Genre painter

    Josef Kinzel, father of the painter Elise Kinzel, was born on in Lobenstein in Silesia and died in the Wachau (Austria).
    The genre🎨, landscape and portrait painter studied at first under Eduard Engerth, Carl von Blaas, Carl Wurzinger, August Eisenmenger and Christian Griepenkerl at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.

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    Pablo Neruda: Never Blame Anyone / Non incolpare nessuno!

    Sarolta Ban (Hungarian artist, 1982)

    Never complain about anyone, nor anything,
    because basically you have done
    what you wanted in your life.

    Accept the difficulty of improving yourself
    and the courage to start changing yourself.
    The triumph of the true man emerges from
    the ashes of his mistake.

    Non incolpare nessuno,
    non lamentarti mai di nessuno, di niente,
    perché in fondo
    Tu hai fatto quello che volevi nella vita.

    Accetta la difficoltà di costruire te stesso
    ed il valore di cominciare a correggerti.
    Il trionfo del vero uomo
    proviene delle ceneri del suo errore.
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    Timothy Easton, 1943 | Impressionist painter

    Timothy Nigel Dendy Easton, was born in Tadworth, Surrey, son of Dendy Bryan Easton, and his wife Iris Joan née Keyser, his brother was Dendy Peter Easton, a fine art consultant at Bonham's and Sotheby's.
    Encouraged by his father's passion for collecting paintings and his own keen interest in drawing, Easton decided he wished to become an artist.

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    Anna Richards Brewster | Impressionist painter

    American painter Anna Richards Brewster (1870-1952) was among the most successful international women artists of her time, yet her name has largely been forgotten.
    Recent decades have seen a slight revival of interest in her work, including a solo exhibition at the Newport Art Museum in 1985, and a major solo exhibition in 2008 which traveled between the Hudson River Museum, Butler Institute of American Art and the Fresno Metropolitan Museum.

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    Edgar Lee Masters | Silence / Il silenzio

    Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) was an American attorney, poet, biographer, and dramatist.
    He is the author of Spoon River Anthology, The New Star Chamber and Other Essays, Songs and Satires, The Great Valley, The Serpent in the Wilderness, An Obscure Tale, The Spleen, Mark Twain: A Portrait, Lincoln: The Man and Illinois Poems.
    In all, Masters published twelve plays, twenty-one books of poetry, six novels and six biographies, including those of Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Vachel Lindsay and Walt Whitman.

    Lucien Lévy Dhurmer (French Art Nouveau painter, 1865-1953) | Le Silence, 1895 | Musée d’Orsay, Paris

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    Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer | Le Silence, 1895

    "Le Silence", a picture that Levy-Dhurmer kept throughout his life, is without doubt one of his most fascinating works.
    It has the suggestive power of an icon, an image that is all the more compelling for being presented as an enigma: fixed in a hieratic pose, with eyes hidden in shadow, the figure eludes all explanation.
    Solid and immobile, it keeps what we imagine to be the secret of its mourning to itself.
    The long, falling folds, enhanced by the vertical format, cannot but evoke both physical gravity (from which it is impossible to escape) and moral gravity.

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    Robert Lee Berran (1923-2020)

    Robert Lee Berran è nato a Mt. Vernon, NY, il 24 dicembre 1923 ed è cresciuto a Scarsdale, NY. Tra i 19-22 anni prestò servizio come medico durante la seconda guerra mondiale sotto il terzo esercito del generale Patton in Europa.
    Dopo la guerra ha studiato alla Art Students League di New York dal 1947-1950.
    Dopo aver lasciato l'Art Students League, ha dipinto i poster dei film per la 20th Century Fox.
    Quattro anni dopo è entrato a far parte del gruppo degli illustratori, dove gli artisti provenivano prevalentemente dalla Haddon Sundbloom School of Painting.
    Il suo lavoro presso il Gruppo Illustratori era per clienti prestigiosi come Ford e Coca-Cola. Successivamente Bob ha illustrato per gli Avventisti del Settimo Giorno per la loro serie di libri per bambini "I miei amici biblici" che sono ancora popolari oggi.

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    Rabindranath Tagore | Al risveglio

    Govanni Boldini🎨 | La lettera mattutina

    Al risveglio ho trovato
    con la luce una lettera.
    Ma non posso sapere
    che dice: non so leggere.

    E non voglio distrarre
    un sapiente dai libri:
    ciò che c’è scritto forse
    non lo saprebbe leggere.

    I woke and found his letter with the morning.
    I do not know what it says, for I cannot read.
    I shall leave the wise man alone with his books,
    I shall not trouble him, for who knows if he can read what the letter says.

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    Cesar Pattein | Il grano, 1891

    Son of a farmer, César Pattein (1850-1931) painted scenes of rustic life focusing on the happy times of the day with children laughing, playing and forgetting the toils of the hard day’s work.
    Born in Steenvoorde, in northern France, César Pattein was raised among farmers and maintained a close connection to the rural region throughout his life.
    He seldom traveled much further than Lille, with the occasional journey to Paris when exhibiting at the Salon.
    While he experimented in his early career with portraiture and historical and religious subjects, Pattein was apt to represent agrarian traditions and rustic rituals, particularly those involving the harvest or other celebrations of agrarian abundance; this eventually led him to the atelier of Jules Breton in the mid-1880s.

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    Yigal Ozeri, 1958 | Photorealist painter

    New York City based Israeli artist Yigal Ozeri is best known for his large-scale cinematic portraits of distinctive young women in rich prodigious landscapes.
    With tinges of Pre-Raphaelite aesthetics, Ozeri brings an ethereal and uninhibited sensibility to his paintings.
    His portraits denote art historical foundations in romanticism, while also offering contemporary notions of sensual femininity.

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    E. E. Cummings | I carry your heart with me / Il tuo cuore lo porto con me, 1958

    Telemaco Signorini (1835-1901)🎨 | Settignano, Rendez vous in the woods, 1873

    I carry your heart with me (i carry it in
    my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
    i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing, my darling).

    Il tuo cuore lo porto con me (lo porto
    nel mio) non me ne divido mai (dove vado io
    vieni anche tu, mia amata; e qualsiasi cosa
    sia fatta da me, la fai anche tu, mia diletta).

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    Jean-Gabriel Domergue e la Moda

    Per il pittore e lo stilista Francese Jean-Gabriel Domergue, ciò che contava di più era che la forma della donna sia rispettata.

    "Finché il couturier è disposto ad ammettere che le donne hanno un corpo, che l'abito è fatto per il corpo e non il corpo per il vestito, allora la moda è bella e tutto va bene.
    Bisogna essere in grado di indovinare la forma della donna attraverso il tessuto e sentire che è in grado di muoversi liberamente.
    Il movimento è ciò che conferisce alle linee la loro bellezza, la loro pienezza, la loro grazia. È il movimento, non l'immobilità, che la anima e la anima.
    Amo la moda che, non solo permette la flessibilità del corpo della donna, ma la richiede".

    Nonostante la sua formazione classica, Jean-Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962) fu sensibile agli sconvolgimenti della sua epoca ed alle tendenze che ne hanno dato origine.

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    E. E. Cummings | Lady, i will touch you with my mind / Signora, ti toccherò con la mia mente..

    Jon Boe Paulsen🎨, 1958 | The Blue Hour

    Lady, i will touch you with my mind.
    touch you and touch and touch
    until you give
    me suddenly a smile, shyly obscene

    (lady i will
    touch you with my mind.)

    you,that is all,

    lightly and you utterly will become
    with infinite care
    the poem which i do not write.

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    Anna Nuwka Ivanova, 1984 | Watercolor Ballet Dancers

    Анна Иванова was born in Kazan, Russia.
    She graduated from an art school in 1998, the class of Suyurov F.A., a member of The Painters Union of Russia.
    Anna earned her medical degree from Kazan State Medical University, the faculty of preventive medicine in 2008.

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    Ford Madox Brown | Pittore Preraffaellita

    Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893) è stato un pittore Inglese. Sebbene non facesse ufficialmente parte della confraternita dei Preraffaeliti, Brown fu colui che, facendo conoscere l'arte dei puristi e dei nazareni, influì in modo significativo nello stile del gruppo.
    Ford Madox Brown nacque a Calais il 16 aprile 1821 da Ford Brown, commissario di bordo, e da Caroline Madox, di un'antica famiglia del Kent. Sposò prima Elizabeth Bromley, cugina per parte di madre, da cui ebbe Lucy nel 1843.
    Dopo la morte della prima moglie per tubercolosi avvenuta nel 1846, dalla sua modella Emma Hill ebbe Catherine che diventerà artista come la sorellastra e come prometteva di diventare anche l'altro fratello Oliver morto prematuramente. Studiò in diverse città europee quali Gand, Bruges ed all'Accademia di Anversa.

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    Edvard Munch | Il bacio, 1897

    Il bacio è un dipinto ad olio su tela (alto 99 e largo 81 centimetri) di Edvard Munch, realizzato nel 1897 ed è conservato nel Museo Munch di Oslo.
    Raffigura una coppia circondata dall'oscurità, in una stanza rischiarata solo da un raggio di luce proveniente da una finestra parzialmente ricoperta da una tenda. I due si abbracciano strettamente, fino a perdere la propria identità, allorché si miscelano in un'unica forma priva di tratti distintivi.
    La critica d'arte Roberta Smith sottolinea come Munch abbia favorito «pennellate lunghe [...] che più che dipinte sembrano macchie».
    Nel 1892, cinque anni prima della stesura de "Il bacio", Munch eseguì un'altra tela sul medesimo soggetto: si tratta de Il bacio con la finestra.

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    Roderic O'Conor | Romeo and Juliet, 1898-1900

    This extraordinary painting, Roderic O'Conor's answer to "The Kiss"🎨 by Edvard Munch, belongs to a group of imaginative compositions the Irish artist🎨 worked on during the closing years of the nineteenth century.
    Living in isolation in the small Breton town of Rochefort-en-terre, whilst keeping in touch by letter with Gauguin🎨, de Chamaillard and Seguin, O'Conor composed from memory to create works of Symbolist🎨 intent.

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    Marie Duhem | Post-Impressionist painter

    Marie Duhem (1871-1918) born Marie Amélie Hortense Sergeant was a French painter.
    Her parents operated a lace factory, so she became familiar with the work of designers and models from an early age.
    She began her art studies with Adrien Demont, husband of the painter Virginie Demont-Breton.

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    Henri Duhem (1860-1941) | Impressionist painter

    Henri Aimé Duhem as a French🎨 Impressionist painter.
    He was descended from an old Flemish family and originally practiced as a lawyer.
    In 1887, his passion for drawing and watercolors finally led him to go to Paris and enroll in the drawing classes of Henri Harpignies🎨.

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    Charles Guilloux (1866-1946) | Symbolist painter

    Charles-Victor Guilloux was a French🎨 symbolist artist.
    An employee of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, Guilloux was a self-taught artist who critics like Albert Aurier, Félix Fénéon and Rémy de Gourmont liken to the time of the Symbolist movement🎨.

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    Louis Gaidan (1847-1925) Neo-Impressionist painter

    Louis Gaidan was a French painter🎨 associated with the Neo-Impressionism movement🎨.
    He was born in Nîmes to a wealthy family who owned a bank, the Banque Gaidan.
    He studied in Paris with the Academic painter Jean Jalabert and later in Nîmes with the landscape painter Paulin Bertrand.
    Jalabert taught him the fine draftsmanship of the Academic tradition and from Paulin Bertrand he was exposed to the painting of landscapes en plein air.

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    Pierre-Auguste Renoir at the Christie's

    Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service, expertise and global reach.
    Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful.