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Fritz Gartner (German, 1882-1958)

Fritz Gärtner, full name: Friedrich Anton Gärtner, was born in Aussig - Bohemia, the son of senior teacher Julius Gärtner. He was a painter, engraver and sculptor.
His first training was with the painter Josef Reiner in Aussig. In 1900 he joined Gabriel von Hackl's nature class at the Munich Art Academy.

At the Munich Art Academy he received additional training as a student of Ludwig von Löfftz, Carl von Marr, Alexander Wagner and Peter Halm.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Fritz Gärtner lived for several years in the Rhineland-Westphalian industrial area, in the Mallinckrodt house of the banker Hans Jordan, in whose garden house he set up his studio.
Gärtner later worked mainly in Munich, where he died in 1958.
His art has been shown in Leipzig and Prague.

Fritz Gärtner - nome completo: Friedrich Anton Gärtner - è stato un pittore, grafico, illustratore e scultore Tedesco🎨, nato ad Aussing, in Boemia.
Gärtner studiò all’Accademia di Monaco fino al 1908, dapprima sotto la guida di Gabriel von Hackl, poi come allievo di Ludwing von Löfftz, Alexander Wagner e Peter Halm.
All'inizio del XX secolo, Fritz Gärtner visse per diversi anni nella zona industriale della Renania-Westfalia, nella casa del banchiere Hans Jordan Mallinckrodt, dove nel giardino aprì il suo studio.
Partecipò a numerose mostre e collaborò con le riviste "Jugend", "The Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung" e "Licht und Schatten", affermandosi come pittore, illustratore ed incisore.
Gärtner, in seguito, lavorò principalmente a Monaco, dove morì nel 1958.