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Frederick F. Fursman (1874-1943) | Impressionist painter

Frederick F. Fursman, also known as Frederick Frary Fursman, studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and in France before establishing himself as a painter and teacher in Chicago and Milwaukee.
He started Michigan​’s Saugatuck Summer School of Painting in 1910 and remained its director for the next thirty years, influencing many young American artists.

He thought Saugatuck’s surroundings were ​"as charming as its name" and encouraged his students to paint their models outdoors.

Frederick Frary Fursman ha studiato all'Art Institute of Chicago ed in Francia prima di affermarsi come pittore ed insegnante a Chicago e Milwaukee.
Iniziò la Saugatuck Summer School of Painting del Michigan nel 1910 e rimase suo direttore per i successivi trent'anni, influenzando molti giovani artisti americani.
Pensava che l'ambiente di Saugatuck fosse "affascinante come il suo nome" ed ha incoraggiato i suoi studenti a dipingere i loro modelli all'aperto.