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Sir Thomas Lawrence | Julia, Lady Peel, 1827 | Frick Collection

Julia Floyd (1795-1859) was married in 1820 to the British statesman Sir Robert Peel, who twice served as Prime Minister and was an avid patron of Lawrence.
The Frick portrait apparently was inspired by Rubens’ painting of Susanna Fourment🎨 known as the "Chapeau de paille", which Peel had acquired in 1823.

Rubens🎨 | Portrait of Susanna Fourment or Portrait of Susanna Lunden or Le Chapeau de Paille, 1622

When Lawrence’s Lady Peel was first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1827, a critic claimed it to be among “the highest achievements of modern art”.
Lawrence’s flamboyant and virtuoso style has come to epitomize the spirit of the Regency period. | © The Frick Collection

Sir Thomas Lawrence (British painter, 1769-1830) | Self-portrait | Royal Academy of Arts

Julia Floyd (1795-1859) fu sposata nel 1820 con lo statista britannico Sir Robert Peel, che per due volte prestò servizio come Primo Ministro e fu un avido patrono di Lawrence.
Il ritratto, appartenente alla Collezione Frick, apparentemente fu ispirato dal dipinto di Rubens di Susanna Fourment🎨 noto come "Chapeau de paille", che Peel aveva acquisito nel 1823.
Quando la "Lady Peel" di Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) fu esposta per la prima volta alla Royal Academy nel 1827, un critico affermò di essere tra i "massimi risultati dell'arte moderna".
Lo stile sgargiante e virtuoso di Lawrence è arrivato ad incarnare lo spirito del periodo Regency.