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Arthur Hughes | April Love, 1856 | Tate Gallery

"April Love" is a painting by the British Pre-Raphaelite painter Arthur Hughes (1832-1915) which was created between 1855-1856.
It was first exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1856.
Originally acquired by William Morris, the painting was purchased by the Tate Gallery, London (now Tate Britain) in 1909 and has remained in the Tate collection to the present day.

At its first showing Hughes accompanied the painting with an extract from The Lord Tennyson's poem "The Miller's Daughter":

Love is hurt with jar and fret,
Love is made a vague regret,
Eyes with idle tears are set,
Idle habit links us yet;
What is Love? For we forget.
Ah no, no.

It shows a distinctly Pre-Raphelite style in which a soft approach to nature and femininity is found. Bright colors and red-haired women as well as an emphasis on nature and symbolism characterize this style which can be found in the late 1800s as a response to industrialization.
The painting depicts a young couple at a moment of emotional crisis.
The male figure is barely visible, his head bent over the young woman's left hand.
The woman, tears slightly overflowing, is looking down at fallen blossoms, suggesting the end of spring and of early and young love.
The model for the principal figure was Tryphena Ford, whom Hughes married in 1855. | © Wikipedia

"April Love" è un dipinto del pittore Preraffaellita Britannico Arthur Hughes (1832-1915), creato tra il 1855-1856.
Fu esposto per la prima volta alla Royal Academy of Arts nel 1856.
Originariamente acquistato da William Morris, il dipinto fu acquistato dalla Tate Gallery di Londra (ora Tate Britain) nel 1909 ed è rimasto nella collezione Tate fino ai giorni nostri.
Mostra uno stile decisamente Preraffaellita in cui si trova un approccio morbido alla natura e alla femminilità.

Colori vivaci e donne dai capelli rossi, nonché un'enfasi sulla natura e sul simbolismo caratterizzano questo stile che può essere trovato alla fine del 1800 come risposta all'industrializzazione.
Il dipinto raffigura una giovane coppia in un momento di crisi emotiva.
La figura maschile è appena visibile, la testa piegata sulla mano sinistra della giovane donna.
La donna, con le lacrime leggermente traboccanti, guarda i fiori caduti, suggerendo la fine della primavera e dell'amore precoce e giovane.
Il modello per la figura principale era Tryphena Ford, che Hughes sposò nel 1855.