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Paul-Albert Besnard (1849-1934)

Paul-Albert Besnard was a student of the academic painter Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889), won the prix de Rome in 1874 and was among the founders of the Société Nationale in 1890.
Throughout his career his style remained in between academic and impressionistic.
During the last thirty years of his life he held important positions in the Académie de France in Rome, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, the Académie française, the Académie de Saint Luc and the Royal Academy. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Name in native language: Albert Besnard;
Date of birth: 2 June 1849, Paris;
Date of death: 4 December 1934, Paris;
Country of citizenship: France;

Educated at:

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts;
French Academy in Rome (1875, 1878);
Occupation: Painter, engraver.

Member of:

Académie Française (1924);
Royal Academy of Arts (honorary member);
Académie des Beaux-Arts.
Position held: Seat 13 of the Académie française.

Awards🎨 received:

Knight of the Legion of Honour;
Commander of the Legion of Honour;
Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour;
Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour;
Prix de Rome;
Officer of the Legion of Honour, 1895.

Albert Besnard | Portrait of Auguste Rodin | Cleveland Museum of Art

Paul-Albert Besnard (1849-1934) fu uno studente del pittore accademico Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889), vinse il premio di Roma nel 1874 e fu tra i fondatori della Société Nationale nel 1890.
Durante la sua carriera il suo stile rimase in tra accademico ed impressionista.
Durante gli ultimi trent'anni della sua vita ha ricoperto importanti incarichi nell'Académie de France di Roma, l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, l'Académie française, l'Académie de Saint Luc e nella Royal Academy. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Nome: Albert Besnard;
Data di nascita: 2 giugno 1849, Parigi;
Data di morte: 4 dicembre 1934, Parigi;
Paese di cittadinanza: Francia;

Scuole frequentate:

École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts,
Académie de France à Rome (1875, 1878);
Occupazione: Pittore, incisore;

Membro di:

Académie française (1924);
Royal Academy of Arts (socio onorario);
Académie des beaux-arts;
Carica ricoperta: Seat 13 of the Académie française.

Premi🎨 ricevuti:

Cavaliere della Legion d'Onore;
Commendatore della Legion d'Onore;
Grand'Ufficiale della Legion d'Onore;
Gran Croce della Legion d'Onore;
Prix de Rome;
Ufficiale della Legion d'Onore, 1895.