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Matilda Browne (1869-1947)

Matilda Browne was an American🎨 Impressionist artist noted for her flower paintings and her farm and cattle scenes.
Born in Newark, New Jersey, she was a child prodigy who received early art training from her artist-neighbor, Thomas Moran🎨.

Matilda Browne was active in Greenwich, Connecticut, New York City, and Old Lyme, Connecticut, where she was affiliated with the art colony centered at the Florence Griswold home.
She was the only woman at the Old Lyme Colony who was taken seriously as a painter by her male colleagues, and she was considered an important member of the Old Lyme group.


  • Dodge Prize🎨 (National Academy of Design, 1889);
  • Third Hallgarten Prize🎨 (National Academy of Design, 1901);
  • Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts Award🎨 (1918, 1919);
  • Greenwich Art Association (prize🎨, 1929).

Matilda Browne (8 maggio 1869 - 3 novembre 1947) è stata una pittrice impressionista Americana🎨, nota per i suoi dipinti di fiori e le sue scene di fattorie e bestiame.
Nata a Newark, nel New Jersey, era una bambina prodigio che ha ricevuto una formazione artistica dal suo vicino, l'artista Thomas Moran🎨.
Matilda Browne era attiva a Greenwich, nel Connecticut, a New York City, e nella vecchia Lyme, nel Connecticut, dove era affiliata con la colonia d'arte centrata nella casa di Florence Griswold.
Era l'unica donna della vecchia colonia di Lyme ad essere presa sul serio come pittore dai suoi colleghi maschi, ed era considerata un membro importante del gruppo Old Lyme.