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Frederick Goodall RA (1822-1904) | Orientalist painter

Frederick Goodall RA was an English artist🎨.


Frederick Goodall was born in London in 1822, the second son of steel line engraver Edward Goodall (1795-1870). He received his education at the Wellington Road Academy.
Goodall's first commission, for Isambard Brunel, was six watercolour paintings of the Thames Tunnel. Four of these were exhibited at the Royal Academy when Frederick was 16.

His first oil won a Society of Arts silver medal🎨.
He exhibited work at the Royal Academy 27 times between 1838-1859.
He was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy (ARA) in 1852 and a full Royal Academician (RA) in 1863.
Goodall visited Egypt twice; in 1858 and again in 1870, both times travelling and camping with Bedouin tribesmen.
On his first visit to Egypt, he shared a house and studio with artist, Carl Haag and the pair often sketched together, both in the streets and outside Cairo, especially in the area around the Pyramids.
On his second visit in 1870, he lived at Saqqara, near the Pyramids with the aim of directly observing Bedouin lifestyles.

After his return to England, Goodall painted many variations of the same Eastern themes.
In order to provide authentic detail to his paintings, Goodall brought back sheep and goats from Egypt.
The Egyptian theme was prominent in his work, with 170 paintings being exhibited at the Royal Academy over 46 years.
Goodall's work received high praise and acclaim from critics and artists alike and he earned a fortune from his paintings. He had a home built at Grim's Dyke, Harrow Weald, where he would entertain guests such as the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII). | © Wikipedia

Frederick Goodall (Londra, 17 marzo 1822 - 29 giugno 1904) è stato un pittore Britannico🎨.


Era figlio del noto incisore e decoratore Edward Goodall. Dopo aver ricevuto l'educazione artistica alla Wellington Road Academy, Frederick entrò nel panorama artistico realizzando su commissione sei acquerelli raffiguranti il Rotherhithe tunnel, per Isambard Kingdom Brunel che ne fece esporre quattro alla Royal Academy nel 1838, quando Frederick aveva 16 anni.
Con la sua prima tela, il pittore vinse la medaglia d'oro🎨 della Society of Arts, espose 27 volte alla Royal Academy tra il 1838-1859, e ne divenne membro nel 1852.

Un importante punto nella sua carriera fu il suo viaggio in Egitto nel 1858, ripetuto nel 1870, durante il quale entrò in contatto con la cultura dei beduini e realizzò numerosi schizzi, portando con sé in patria materiale prelevato sul posto, compresi esemplari del bestiame locale.
L'Egitto divenne il tema centrale delle sue opere, di cui oltre 170 sono ambientate lungo il Nilo.
Oltre alle sue opere a carattere orientalista, va ricordata la produzione d'ispirazione shakespeariana, cui appartengono opere come Miranda, da La Tempesta.
Le opere di Goodall ebbero enorme successo e gli valsero il plauso di numerosi personaggi dell'epoca, tra cui il Principe di Galles, futuro Edoardo VII e Charles Dickens. | © Wikipedia