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Joseph Bail (1862-1921) | Genre painter

Joseph Bail was born in Limonest in the Rhone region of France. His father, Jean-Antoine Bail, was a genre painter influenced by the Dutch masters, and he focused his attention on depicting scenes from domestic life.
Bail received his early training from his father and later studied in the studios of Jean Léon Gêrome and Carolus-Durand, two of the leading figures of the Parisian Academy of Fine Arts.

Bail’s father instilled in him a respect for the works of Jean-Siméon Chardin and the Dutch masters, and encouraged him to view their works at the Louvre.
Bail debuted at the Salon of 1878, alongside both his father and brother, Frank, with Nature Morte.
While still lifes dominated Bail’s early paintings, he expanded his themes to include scenes from the countryside, animals, and genre paintings, some influenced by summer stays in Bois-le-Roi, just outside of Fontainebleau.

As his style progressed, he showed a strong affinity with his father’s work and that of Chardin and the Dutch masters, choosing to portray room interiors illuminated by a strong light source.
His interiors often included a figure positioned near a window, illuminated by this strong sense of lighting.

Bail regularly submitted to the Salons and toward the end of his career was hors concours, or exempt from having to submit his works for jury approval.
He received awards in 1885 (Honorable Mention), 1886 (third-class medal), 1887 (second-class medal), 1889 Exposition Universelle (silver medal), 1900 Exposition Universelle (gold medal), and 1902 (medal of honor).
He was also named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 1900, and was a member of the Société des Artistes Français. He died November 26, 1921.

Joseph Bail è nato il 22 gennaio 1862 a Limonest, nella regione del Rodano in Francia.
Suo padre, Jean-Antoine Bail, era un pittore di genere influenzato dai maestri Olandesi e concentrò la sua attenzione sulla rappresentazione di scene della vita domestica.
Bail ricevette la sua prima formazione da suo padre ed in seguito studiò negli studi di Jean Léon Gêrome e Carolus-Durad, due delle figure di spicco dell'Accademia di Belle Arti parigina.

Il padre di Bail gli ha instillato il rispetto per le opere di Jean-Siméon Chardin e dei maestri olandesi e lo ha incoraggiato a vedere le loro opere al Louvre.
Bail ha debuttato al Salon del 1878, insieme a suo padre e suo fratello Frank, con nature morte.

Premi al Salon degli artisti francesi: Menzione d'onore nel 1885; Medaglia di terza classe nel 1886; Seconda classe nel 1887; Medaglia d'argento nel 1889; Medaglia d'onore per Les Dentellières nel 1902.
Medaglia d'oro all'Esposizione Universale del 1900.
Knight of the Legion of Honor nel 1900.
Il nome di Joseph Bail fu dato ad una strada di Bois-le-Roi.