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Gary Lee Price, 1955

Gary Lee Price was born in Twin Falls, Idaho. As a child Gary would sit in his room and draw. His ability to create art became his strength and his salvation. 
After graduating from Montpelier High School in Idaho, Price went on to study art at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.
However, it was not until he was attending the Utah Technical College in Provo where he met and studied with sculptor Stan Johnson, that he was drawn to sculpture.

His work with Johnson inspired Price to enroll at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and study painting, drawing, and anatomy.
While he worked at the university on his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, he continued to study under Stan Johnson. 
Because of the diversity in subject matter, Price's work has been called eclectic. In addition to a broad range of subjects, his pieces range in size from massive to small, his subjects from religious to fantastical, and his style from tightly controlled to impressionistic.
About his work Price says: "The ability to listen and draw upon the many sources of inspiration that constantly surround us determines our growth. What I try to do is remain open, not pigeon-hole myself to one subject matter or style. My work is constantly evolving".

Price often focuses on joyful sculptures of children. He says, "I am trying to make a statement about humanity in my work. I sincerely want to lift the human spirit, mine included".
Price's object is "to create a work that is harmonious and refreshing to the soul".
Gary Price has been elected to the National Sculpture Society in New York City, has won the Best of Show at the Scottsdale Artist's school, and has been featured in Southwest Art Magazine.

Gary Lee Price | Benjamin Franklin

Gary Lee Price | Abraham Lincoln

Gary Lee Price | Mark Twain Bench

Gary Lee Price | Mark Twain

Gary Lee Price | Mark Twain - Ever the Twain Shall Meet

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting

Gary Lee Price dice: "Sto cercando di fare una dichiarazione sull'umanità nel mio lavoro.
Voglio sinceramente sollevare lo spirito umano, incluso il mio".
L'oggetto di Price è "creare un'opera armoniosa e rinfrescante per l'anima".
Gary Lee Price è nato a Twin Falls, nell'Idaho. Da bambino Gary si sedeva nella sua stanza e disegnava.
La sua capacità di creare arte divenne la sua forza e la sua salvezza.
Dopo essersi diplomato alla Montpelier High School nell'Idaho, Price ha continuato a studiare arte al Ricks College di Rexburg, nell'Idaho.

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting

Ha frequentato il Utah Technical College di Provo, dove ha incontrato e studiato con lo scultore Stan Johnson, che è stato attratto dalla scultura.
Il suo lavoro con Johnson ha ispirato Price a iscriversi all'Università dello Utah a Salt Lake City e a studiare pittura, disegno ed anatomia.
Gary Price è stato eletto alla National Sculpture Society di New York City, ha vinto il Best of Show alla scuola dell'artista Scottsdale ed è stato presentato nel Southwest Art Magazine.

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting

Gary Lee Price | Monet sitting on bench painting