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Edmund Tarbell (1862-1938)

Edmund Charles Tarbell was an American🎨 Impressionist painter.
Edmund Tarbell contributed to America's place in the world of art.
To him and his work Europe turned its eyes in admiration, as did the whole people in America.
Tarbell's works were honest works.
In him was none of the transient sensationalism which brought notoriety to others.

Tarbell canvases will be speaking to the world centuries from now.
His character was as true as his art.
A member of the Ten American Painters, his work hangs in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Corcoran Gallery of Art, DeYoung Museum, National Academy Museum and School, New Britain Museum of American Art, Worcester Art Museum, and numerous other collections.
He was a leading member of a group of painters which came to be known as the Boston School.

Tarbell won many art prizes🎨 and medals, an honorary doctorate from Dartmouth College in 1929, and served as juror of painting at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition, and the 1926 Sesquicentennial Exposition.
He was elected a full member of the National Academy of Design in 1906, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1927.
Tarbell's funeral service was held in Boston at King's Chapel, his obituary reading: "Great American Painter Dies", The Boston Traveler, August 3, 1938.

Edmund Charles Tarbell (West Groton, 26 aprile 1862 - 1º agosto 1938) è stato un pittore impressionista Statunitense🎨.
Appartenne al gruppo dei "Ten American Painters" ed oggi le sue opere sono in gran parte conservate nello "Smithsonian American Art Museum", nella "Corcoran Gallery of Art", presso la "National Academy of Design" e nella Casa Bianca.
La sua fama come artista di alto livello si era consolidata già nel 1891, con l'apparizione del quadro "In the Orchard" (Nel frutteto)🎨, che molti considerano il suo capolavoro più significativo.