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Shafira Yablonski, 1938 | Impressionist painter

Ukrainian painter Shafira Yablonski was born in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.
When Shafira was 3 years old the world war II began and her family was evacuated to Kazakhstan.
When the war was over and the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk was liberated, they returned home to Ukraine.
There Shafira spent her childhood and adolescence and finished high school.
All her childhood she was fond of drawing. When Shafira was 15, she joined the art studio at the House of Culture and began learning to paint.

Dimitry Polak (Polakov) who was a teacher at the art studio, introduced her to various painting techniques.
After graduating high school Shafira Yablonski was accepted to the Art college and then started working as an artist with Dimitri Polak.
They were married and in 1997 she immigrated to Israel where they continued painting.
Shafira Yablonski art is inspired by her husband Dimitri Polak, who was a famous artist.
Her art is greatly influenced by the Impressionist artists.

Shafira Yablonski è nata l'8 giugno 1938 nella città di Dneprodzerzhinsk (Ucraina).
Quando Shafira aveva 3 anni iniziò la seconda guerra mondiale e la sua famiglia fu evacuata in Kazakistan.
Terminata la guerra e liberata la città di Dneprodzerzhinsk, tornarono a casa in Ucraina. Lì Shafira trascorse la sua infanzia, l'adolescenza e finì il liceo.
Per tutta la sua infanzia amava disegnare. Quando Shafira aveva 15 anni, si unì allo studio d'arte alla House of Culture e iniziò ad imparare a dipingere.
Dimitry Polak (Polakov) che era insegnante presso lo studio d'arte, la introdusse a varie tecniche pittoriche.
Dopo il diploma, Shafira Yablonski è stata accettata al college e ha iniziato a lavorare come artista con Dimitri Polak.
Si sposarono e nel 1997 immigrò in Israele dove continuarono a dipingere. L'arte di Shafira Yablonski si ispira al marito Dimitri Polak, che era un artista famoso. La sua arte è fortemente influenzata dagli artisti impressionisti.