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Otgoo Badam, 1984

Born in Ulaanbaatar, Badam Otgontuvden became an only Mongolian to teach in the Ilya Repin St Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the largest arts educational Institution andone of the most important scientific centers in Russia.
It is also considered as a one of the most well known art schools in the world.
Otgontuvden has studied at the Production Vocational School named after Radjiv Gandhi from 1999-2002 and obtained a diploma of tannery profession.

From 2002-2004 at the Mongolian Institute of Fine Art majoring decorative applicable scienec and in the faculty of easel painting at the Voronej State Academy of Art from 2004-2008.
In 2008, he moved to I. Ye. Repin St Petersburg State Academic institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and studied in the studio of Professor V. S Pesikov.
In 2012, he defended his diploma. In 2012 hc became a member of Saint Petersburg's Painters Union.
From 2014 He is working in Italy to paint Italian temple's ceiling for'5 years.
B. Otgontuvden's artworks are in the collections of notable people such as President of Mongolia Elbegdorj and other individuals from France, Russia, China and Mongolia.

  • 2016 Ten Outstanding Young Person of the World, JCI Mongolia; 
  • 2012 Leading Young Person from Mongolian Youth Federation;
  • 2012 Best Artist, Diploma from the Russia Academy of Arts Council;
  • 2012 Award from Production Vocational School named after Radjiv Gandhi;
  • 2003 1st place, International competition of Still Life Paintings organized by Japanese artist.

Badam Otgontuvden è l'unico artista Mongolo ad insegnare nell'Ilya Repin di San Pietroburgo, l'Istituto accademico di pittura, scultura ed architettura, il più grande istituto di educazione artistica ed uno dei più importanti centri scientifici in Russia.
È anche considerata una delle scuole d'arte più conosciute al mondo.
Otgontuvden ha studiato alla Production Vocational School dal nome di Radjiv Gandhi dal 1999-2002 e ha conseguito il diploma di concia.
Nel 2012 è diventato membro della Painters Union di San Pietroburgo.
Dal 2014 lavora in Italia per dipingere il soffitto del tempio italiano per 5 anni.
Le opere di Otgontuvden fanno parte di collezioni di personaggi illustri come il presidente della Mongolia Elbegdorj ed altre persone provenienti da Francia, Russia, Cina e Mongolia.