
Dan Beck, 1955


Dan Beck is an American🎨 Impressionist painter, Oil Painters of America (OPA) signature member - American Impressionist Society (AIS) signature member - Plein-Air Painters of the SouthEast (PAPSE) member .
Wanderlust was Dan's primary motivation in the decade following his graduation from high school.
Dan took to the road, working jobs that included ranch hand in Arizona, construction on the beach of Florida, refinishing furniture in Louisiana and four years in the infantry, including a two year tour in Germany.


Wherever he went, Dan filled sketch books and journals for his own enjoyment.
Then in Colorado after a couple of years in college, he realized the thing that meant most to him was his sketch books.
So, he quit his job and college, sold everything he had and decided that commitment to one path was where all the previous had led him. Dan has studied at the Art Student League of Denver, with numerous contemporary painters and has continuously studied the impressionist masters.
Equally adept at figurative, still-life and landscape, Dan is an experimenter by nature, as well as being firmly rooted in the tradition of Impressionism.
His love of nature and a deep respect for the tradition of art serve as both guide and inspiration to his goal of "making a contribution" to the world of painting.


Dan's paintings evoke a timelessness and dignity that are the underlying themes in whatever he paints.
"Painting is a balancing act between opposite ideas - direct observation and instinct, control and spontaneity, even between the literal and the symbolic. It seems to me that although a painter is deeply involved with his own private investigation, his real aim is to communicate something to the viewer that resonates on a uniquely personal level".
Dan now lives in Wilmington, North Carolina with his wife and two daughters.



Dan Beck is the Gold Medal🎨 recipient of the 2017 Oil Painters of America Eastern Regional Exhibition.
In 2016, he received three national awards: Oil Painters of America National Exhibition, American Impressionist Society National Exhibition and Oil Painters of America Eastern Regional Exhibition.
He is also the Gold Medal winner of the 2011 Oil Painters of America National Exhibition.
Other awards include eight awards of excellence with Oil Painters of America (four National and four Regional).
He has also won two consecutive Raymar Art Competition Awards of Excellence, Award of Excellence with Salon International, a first place, a second place and ten finalists with Boldbrush Art competition.









Dan Bech ha studiato alla Art Student League di Denver, con numerosi pittori contemporanei e ha continuamente studiato i maestri impressionisti.
Altrettanto abile nel figurare, nella natura morta e nel paesaggio, Dan è uno sperimentatore per natura, oltre ad essere saldamente radicato nella tradizione dell'impressionismo.
Il suo amore per la natura e un profondo rispetto per la tradizione dell'arte servono sia come guida che come ispirazione per il suo obiettivo di "dare un contributo" al mondo della pittura.
I dipinti di Dan evocano un'eternità ed una dignità che sono i temi sottostanti in qualunque cosa dipinga.
"La pittura è un atto di equilibrio tra idee opposte - osservazione diretta e istinto, controllo e spontaneità, anche tra il letterale e il simbolico. Mi sembra che sebbene un pittore sia profondamente coinvolto nella sua indagine privata, il suo vero scopo è comunicare qualcosa per lo spettatore che risuona a un livello unicamente personale".
Dan ora vive a Wilmington, nella Carolina del Nord, con sua moglie e due figlie.





