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Camille Corot (1796-1875) | Landscapes and Quotes

  • "Be guided by feelings alone. Abandon yourself to your first impression. If you really have been touched, you will convey to others the sincerity of your emotion".
  • "Lasciati guidare dai sentimenti da solo. Abbandonati alla tua prima impressione. Se sei stato davvero toccato, trasmetterai agli altri la sincerità della tua emozione".
  • "Never lose the first impression which has moved you".
  • "Non perdere mai la prima impressione che ti ha commosso".
  • "I am never in a hurry to reach details. First and above all I am interested in the large masses and the general character of a picture; when these are well established, then I try for subtleties of form and color. I rework the painting constantly and freely, and without any systematic method".
  • "Be guided by feeling alone. We are only simple mortals, subject to error".
  • "Lasciati guidare solo dai sentimenti. Siamo solo semplici mortali, soggetti ad errore".

  • "Heavens, how charming it is! There is now in the sky only the soft vaporous color of pale citron - the last reflection of the sun which plunges into the dark blue of the night, going from green tones to a pale turquoise of an unheard-of fineness and a fluid delicacy quite indescribable..."