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Juan Muñoz | Storyteller sculptor

Juan Muñoz (1953-2001)was a Spanish sculptor, working primarily in paper maché, resin and bronze.
He was also interested in the auditory arts and created compositions for the radio. He was a self-described "storyteller".
In 2000, Muñoz was awarded Spain's major Premio Nacional de Bellas Artes in recognition of his work; he died shortly after, in 2001.
His first exhibition was in 1984 in the Fernando Vijande gallery of Madrid. Since then, his works have been frequently exhibited in Europe and other parts of the world.

At the beginning of the 1990s, Juan Muñoz began breaking the rules of traditional sculpture by sculpting works in a "narrative" manner which consisted of creating smaller than life-size figures in an atmosphere of mutual interaction.
Muñoz's sculptures often invite the spectator to relate to them, making the viewer feel as if they have discreetly become a part of the work of art.

His slate-gray or wax-colored monochrome figures create a sort of discreteness due to their lack of individuality, but that absence of individuality questions the viewer, perhaps even so much as to make the viewer uncomfortable.
When asked his occupation, Muñoz would respond simply that he was a "storyteller".
Muñoz's sculptures were created primarily with paper maché, resin and bronze. In addition to sculpture, Muñoz was interested in the creation of auditory arts, creating some works for the radio.

One of his more recognized auditory works was a collaboration with British composer Gavin Bryars in 1992 called "A Man in a Room", Gambling, which consisted of Muñoz explaining card tricks over a composition by Bryars. The pieces, ten segments all shorter than five minutes, were played on BBC Radio 3.
In one unpublished radio program (Third Ear, 1992), Juan Muñoz proposed that there are two things which are impossible to represent: the present and death, and that the only way to arrive at them was by their absence.

In 2000, Muñoz was awarded Spain's major Premio Nacional de Bellas Artes, about which Muñoz said, "I think I'll buy a watch".

Juan Muñoz died suddenly of cardiac arrest caused by an aneurism of the esophagus and an internal hemorrhage at the age of 48 in his summer home in Santa Eulària des Riu, Ibiza, in 2001.
He has been called "the most significant of the first generation of artists to achieve maturity in post-Franco Spain, and one of the most complex and individual artists working today".
His works are displayed in such galleries as the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum in New York, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C., the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Tate Modern in London. | © Wikipedia

Juan Muñoz (Madrid, 16 giugno 1953 - Santa Eulària des Riu, 28 agosto 2001) è stato uno scultore Spagnolo, che lavorava principalmente in cartapesta, resina e bronzo.
È stato definito "il più significativo della prima generazione degli artisti maturati nella Spagna post-Franco ed uno degli artisti più complessi ed individuali che lavorano oggi".
Le sue opere sono esposte in gallerie come il Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum di New York, Hirshhorn Museum e Sculpture Garden di Washington DC, Art Institute of Chicago e Tate Modern di Londra.

Era anche interessato alle arti uditive e ha creato composizioni per la radio.
Era un "narratore" per autodescrizione.
Nel 2000, Muñoz è stato insignito del più grande Premio Nacional de Bellas Artes in Spagna per il suo lavoro; è morto poco dopo, nel 2001.

Nel 1984 espose per la prima volta i suoi lavori alla galleria Fernando Vijande.
I suoi lavori in seguito sono stati esposti in tutto il mondo.
Nei primi anni novanta Juan Muñoz iniziò a realizzare opere con carattere 'narrativo'.
Queste sue sculture rappresentavano figure solo leggermente inferiori alle dimensioni naturali. In alcuni casi queste statue sono poste all'esterno altre volta all'interno di edifici.
Le sculture sono monocromatiche, color grigio piombo o color cera.
Nell'intento dell'autore, l'osservatore si dovrebbe sentire parte dell'opera, infatti le statue sono in grado di coinvolgere lo spettatore che si riesce ad edificare con loro.
Le sue sculture furono eseguite inizialmente con la cartapesta, poi in seguito con la resina e le ultime in bronzo.