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Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669)

Pietro da Cortona was an Italian Baroque painter and architect.
Along with his contemporaries and rivals Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini, he was one of the key figures in the emergence of Roman Baroque architecture. He was also an important designer of interior decorations.

He was born Pietro Berrettini, but is primarily known by the name of his native town of Cortona in Tuscany.
He worked mainly in Rome and Florence. He is best known for his frescoed ceilings such as the vault of the salone or main salon of the Palazzo Barberini in Rome and carried out extensive painting and decorative schemes for the Medici family in Florence and for the Oratorian fathers at the church of Santa Maria in Vallicella in Rome.
He also painted numerous canvases.
Only a limited number of his architectural projects were built but nonetheless they are as distinctive and as inventive as those of his rivals. | © Wikipedia

Pietro da Cortona, nato come Pietro Berrettini, è stato un pittore ed architetto Italiano.
Fu tra i massimi interpreti del primo Barocco, in pittura ed in architettura, autore di alcune delle più celebri creazioni del barocco romano quali la chiesa dei Santi Luca e Martina al Foro Romano, ed il Trionfo della Divina Provvidenza in Palazzo Barberini.


Cavaliere di Cristo, 1652