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Marc Chagall (1887-1985) | Les Amoureux

"When you did catch a glimpse of his eyes, they were as blue as if they’d fallen straight out of the sky. They were strange eyes.. ..long, almond-shaped.. ..and each seemed to sail along by itself, like a little boat"!
- Quote of Bella Chagall - her description of their first encounter in Vitebsk, 1909.

"Quando hai intravisto i suoi occhi, erano blu come se fossero caduti dal cielo. Erano occhi strani ... lunghi, a forma di mandorla ... ed ognuno sembrava navigare da solo, come una barchetta"!
Descrizione di Bella Chagall (moglie dell'artista)del primo incontro con Marc Chagall🎨 a Vitebsk, nel 1909