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John Callcott Horsley | The world's first Christmas card, 1843

John Callcott Horsley, (born January 29, 1817, London, England - died October 18, 1903, London), British🎨 narrative painter best known as the designer of the first Christmas card🎨.
Created in 1843 for Callcott’s friend Sir Henry Cole, an edition of 1,000 cards was placed on sale in London.

It was lithographed on stiff cardboard, 51/8 by 31/4 inches, in dark sepia and hand-coloured.
The card is a triptych; the centre shows a family party in progress, beneath which is the greeting:
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You”. | © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

John Callcott Horsley | The world's first Christmas card | The British Library

John Callcott Horsley | The world's first Christmas card | Critics

John Callcott Horsley | The world's first Christmas card

John Callcott Horsley, (1817-1903, a Londra), pittore narrativo Britannico🎨, noto per essere il designer della prima cartolina di Natale🎨. Creata nel 1843 per l'amico di Callcott Sir Henry Cole, un'edizione di 1.000 carte fu messa in vendita a Londra.
Era litografato su cartone rigido, 51/8 per 31/4 pollici, in seppia scura e colorato a mano.
La carta è un trittico; il centro mostra una festa di famiglia in corso, al di sotto della quale si trova il saluto "Un buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo a te".
I pannelli laterali raffigurano atti di carità, mentre ai poveri vengono dati cibo e vestiti. | © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

John Callcott Horsley | Juliet and her nurse | Christie's
John Callcott Horsley | The Pride of the Village, 1839 | TaTe Art Museum

John Callcott Horsley | Wedding rings | Christie's