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Ben Hammond, 1977 | Figurative sculptor

Ben Hammond was raised in the rural town of Pingree, Idaho, where his love for art was nurtured from the time he was a small boy.
He studied art at Ricks College graduating with a degree in Illustration.
While at college, he found himself dedicating more and more of his time to sculpting. He also gained a great appreciation for traditional art and decided to devote his time to sculpting the human figure. His passion for the beauty of the human figure is exemplified in his art.

Bens sculptures have been included in many juried shows throughout the country, and he has been the recipient of numerous awards🎨.
Ben most recently competed in The National Competition for Figurative Sculpture where he was awarded the prestigious Charlotte Geffken Prize at Brookgreen Gardens.
For the past three years he has been awarded the Dexter Jones Award for bas relief from the National Sculpture Society.
In 2007, he was awarded both First Place in Sculpture and the Purchase Award at The Scottsdale Artists School Best and Brightest Juried Show.

Ben is also a talented portrait artist and for the past four years has completed portrait busts for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Ben is an elected member of the National Sculpture Society
His works have been featured in many art magazines, including The American Art Collector, Art of the West and Southwest Art. He is represented by galleries in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah.

Ben Hammond è cresciuto nella cittadina rurale di Pingree, nell'Idaho, dove il suo amore per l'arte è stato coltivato da quando era un bambino. 
Ha studiato arte al Ricks College laureandosi in Illustrazione.
Mentre era al college, si ritrovò a dedicare sempre più tempo alla scultura. Ha anche ottenuto un grande apprezzamento per l'arte tradizionale e ha deciso di dedicare il suo tempo alla scultura della figura umana. La sua passione per la bellezza della figura umana è esemplificata nella sua arte.

Le sculture di Bens sono state incluse in molte mostre giurate in tutto il paese ed è stato premiato con numerosi premi🎨.
Di recente Ben ha partecipato al Concorso nazionale per la scultura figurativa, dove gli è stato assegnato il prestigioso premio Charlotte Geffken ai Brookgreen Gardens.
Negli ultimi tre anni gli è stato assegnato il Dexter Jones Award per il bassorilievo della National Sculpture Society.
Nel 2007, è stato insignito sia del primo posto nella scultura sia del premio d'acquisto alla migliore e più brillante serie giurata della Scottsdale Artists School.