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Peter McGowan | Flower paintings

Peter McGowan was born and raised in Yorkshire, England and still makes his home there.
He paints from his studio in the county that has inspired many great artists, including Henry Moore and David Hockney.
Light and its effects fascinate McGowan.
He works in several media, including oils, acrylics, watercolours and pastels, to translate this interest to paper and canvas.

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Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) | Hope / La Speranza

Alex Venezia (American painter, 1993)

"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the Gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

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Albert André (1869-1954)

A Post-Impressionist artist and painter of 'intimiste' interiors, still lives and Parisian scenes, he was born in Lyon in 1869.
André spent his childhood vacations in Laudun where his family owned vineyards.
Aged 20, he left for Paris where he studied painting at the Académie Julian.

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Dominic Davison, 1972

Dominic Davison è nato a Londra ed ora vive nel Buckinghamshire, nel Regno Unito, dove trae ispirazione per le sue scene idilliache e romantiche.
Si è specializzato nell'arte della creazione digitale e pubblica i suoi lavori su diverse testate specializzate.
L'aspetto tridimensionale dei suoi lavori richiama soggetti specifici, principalmente i cottage, inseriti in un mondo che sembra reale nonostante sia dipinto su una superficie con tecnica bidimensionale.
Ha creato arte per molti anni e in questo periodo ha costruito una fedele base di fan, che ora si estende in tutto il mondo.
Prima di entrare in MGL ha lavorato come artista freelance, pubblicando il suo lavoro su riviste come "3D Artist" e "Advanced Photoshop".

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Carlo Salomoni, 1956 | Surrealist Painter / Illustrator

Carlo Salomoni is an Italian artist🎨 born in Ferrara, Italy. He is a graduate from the medical faculty with a degree in general surgery, but in 1992 decides to leave the medical activity and becomes a professional artist.
Carlo started his artist career producing art objects (small sculptures and decoration of pottery vases), some of them exposed in galleries in Ferrara and Bologna Italy. He also realized replicas of famous painters in different epoch times and styles from the year 600 to 900.

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Juan Muñoz | Storyteller sculptor

Juan Muñoz (1953-2001)was a Spanish sculptor, working primarily in paper maché, resin and bronze.
He was also interested in the auditory arts and created compositions for the radio. He was a self-described "storyteller".
In 2000, Muñoz was awarded Spain's major Premio Nacional de Bellas Artes in recognition of his work; he died shortly after, in 2001.
His first exhibition was in 1984 in the Fernando Vijande gallery of Madrid. Since then, his works have been frequently exhibited in Europe and other parts of the world.

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Ben Hammond, 1977 | Figurative sculptor

Ben Hammond was raised in the rural town of Pingree, Idaho, where his love for art was nurtured from the time he was a small boy.
He studied art at Ricks College graduating with a degree in Illustration.
While at college, he found himself dedicating more and more of his time to sculpting. He also gained a great appreciation for traditional art and decided to devote his time to sculpting the human figure. His passion for the beauty of the human figure is exemplified in his art.

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Gustave Courbet | Quotes / Aforismi

  • "Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it".
  • "La bellezza, come la verità, è relativa al tempo in cui si vive ed all'individuo che può afferrarla".
  • "Fine art is knowledge made visible".
  • "L'arte è la conoscenza resa visibile".
  • "I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom; I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients".
  • "Non sono uno che è nato sotto la custodia della saggezza; Sono uno che ama i tempi antichi e intenso nella ricerca della sacra conoscenza degli antichi".
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James McNeill Whistler | Nocturne: Blue and Gold, St Mark's, Venice, 1880

"Nocturne: Blue and Gold, St Mark's, Venice" is an 1880 painting by James Abbot McNeill Whistler (American Tonalist painter, 1834-1903), now in the National Museum of Wale.
Following his bankruptcy in 1879, Whistler spent a year in Venice where he concentrated on etchings and pastels.
Only three oil paintings, produced largely from memory in the evenings, survive from this visit.

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Gustave Courbet | Jo, La Belle Irlandaise, 1866

Gustave Courbet | Jo, the Beautiful Irishwoman | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The "beautiful Irishwoman" depicted in this painting is Joanna Hiffernan (born 1842/43), mistress and model of the artist James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903)🎨, and perhaps subsequently Courbet’s lover.
Although dated 1866, the picture was likely undertaken in 1865, when the two men painted together at the French seaside resort of Trouville; Courbet wrote of "the beauty of a superb redhead whose portrait I have begun".
He would paint three repetitions with minor variations. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Pierre Auguste Renoir | Woman playing a guitar, 1897

Woman Playing a Guitar / "Femme jouant de la guitare"/"Joueuse de guitare ou La Guitariste" is an 1897 painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, now in the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, which bought it in 1901.
The work was one of the first paintings acquired by Paul Durand-Ruel.
Renoir painted several paintings of guitar-players and borrowing classical motifs - here, he is influenced by Camille Corot, Titian and Rubens.

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Marc Chagall (1887-1985) | Flowers and lovers

  • "You could wonder for hours what flowers mean, but for me, they're life itself, in all its happy brilliance. We couldn't do with out flowers".
  • "Potresti chiederti per ore cosa significano i fiori, ma per me sono la vita stessa, in tutto il suo felice splendore. Non potevamo fare a meno dei fiori".
  • "Art is the increasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers - and never succeeding".
  • "L'arte è lo sforzo incessante di competere con la bellezza dei fiori - e non riuscirci mai".
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | L'Église à Essoyes, 1890

The great impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir🎨 lived in the charming little village of Essoyes, in the Aube department of Champagne-Ardennes (in north-central France) from 1896-1907.
The village, hometown of his wife Aline and model and governess of his children Gabrielle Renard, is represented in many of his paintings.

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Marc Chagall | Music and Colour

  • "Mozart never composed anything, ever! He copied what was written on his soul".
  • "Mozart non ha mai composto nulla, mai! Ha copiato ciò che è stato scritto sulla sua anima".
  • "Color is all. When color is right, form is right. Color is everything, color is vibration like music; everything is vibration".
  • "Il colore è tutto. Quando il colore è giusto, anche la forma è giusta. Il colore è tutto, il colore è vibrazione come la musica; tutto è vibrazione".
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Francis Picabia | Paysages

Francis Picabia, born Francis-Marie Martinez de Picabia (1879-1953), was a French avant-garde painter, poet and typographist.
After experimenting with Impressionism and Pointillism, Picabia became associated with Cubism.
His highly abstract planar compositions were colourful and rich in contrasts.
He was one of the early major figures of the Dada movement in the United States and in France.
He was later briefly associated with Surrealism, but would soon turn his back on the art establishment.

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Marc Chagall (1887-1985) | Les Amoureux

"When you did catch a glimpse of his eyes, they were as blue as if they’d fallen straight out of the sky. They were strange eyes.. ..long, almond-shaped.. ..and each seemed to sail along by itself, like a little boat"!
- Quote of Bella Chagall - her description of their first encounter in Vitebsk, 1909.

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Michele Lehmann, 1940 | Abstract painter

Michele Lehmann was born in Switzerland but moved to Mijas in southern Spain over 30 years ago.
After arriving there, Michele opened an art gallery as an outlet for local artists.
Although not an artist herself she began sketching to pass the time.
It began with a sketch of an old woman in black who passed the gallery every day.
She moved too fast for Michele to draw so the image captured her from behind.

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Gari Melchers (1860-1932) | Naturalist painter

Julius Garibaldi Melchers was an American artist🎨. He was one of the leading American proponents of naturalism. He won a 1932 Gold medal🎨 from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
The son of German-born American sculptor Julius Theodore Melchers, Gari Melchers was a native of Detroit, Michigan, who at seventeen studied art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under von Gebhardt and is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.

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Virginia Woolf | Quotes about Women

"As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking".
"Finché pensa ad un uomo, nessuno si oppone ad una donna che pensa".
"Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size".

"Per tutti questi secoli le donne hanno svolto la funzione di specchi, dotati della magica e deliziosa proprietà di riflettere la figura dell’uomo a grandezza doppia del naturale".

Dame Laura Knight (British Impressionist painter, 1877-1970) | A girl reading

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Gyuri Lohmuller, 1962: "L'emozione è Arte"

Nato a Gataia, in Romania e pittore autodidatta, con mostre in Austria, Germania, Francia ed Ungheria, Gyuri Lohmuller preferisce i temi surrealisti.
I suoi dipinti riflettono le sue emozioni più profonde.
"L'emozione", dice, "è Arte".

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Virginia Woolf | Quotes

"I wish you’d find the exit out of my head".
"Io scriverei poesie d'amore anche sulle parti di te che tu non sopporti".
"My mind turned by anxiety, or other cause, from its scrutiny of blank paper, is like a lost child-wandering the house, sitting on the bottom step to cry".

"Se il mio cervello, distratto da un'ansia o da altra causa, deve distogliersi dalla carta bianca, è come un bimbo sperduto, che gira per casa e siede a piangere sull'ultimo gradino".

Dame Laura Knight (British Impressionist painter, 1877-1970) | The Dark Pool, 1908-1918 | Laing Art Gallery

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Jacques Prévert / Daniel Gerhartz | Quicksands / Sabbie mobili


Demons and wonders
Winds and tides
The sea has gone far away
And you
Like seaweed softly stroked by the wind
Stir dreaming in the sands of our bed
Demons and wonders
Winds and tides
The sea has gone far away
But in your half open eyes
Two small waves wait
Demons and wonders
Winds and tides
Two small waves to drown me.

Sabbie mobili

Dèmoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Il mare si è ritirato già in lontananza
E tu
Come un'alga dolcemente dal vento accarezzata
Nelle sabbie del letto ti agiti sognando
Dèmoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Il mare si è ritirato già in lontananza
Ma nei tuoi occhi socchiusi
Due piccole onde sono rimaste
Dèmoni e meraviglie
Venti e maree
Due piccole onde per farmi annegare.

Sables mouvants

Démons et merveilles
Vents et marées
Au loin déjà la mer s'est retirée
Et toi
Comme une algue doucement caressée par le vent
Dans les sables du lit tu remues en revant
Démons et merveilles
Vents et marées
Au loin déjà la mer s'est retirée
Mais dans tes yeux entrouverts
Deux petites vagues sont restées
Démons et merveilles
Vents et marées
Deux petites vagues pour me noyer.

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John Callcott Horsley | The Morning of St Valentine,1865

Title: The Morning of St Valentine🎨;
Author: John Callcott Horsley (British painter, 1817-1903)
Date: 1865;
Medium: Oil on canvas;
Dimensions: w458 x h383 cm (Without frame);
Current location: Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool.

John Callcott Horsley RA was an English Academic painter of genre and historical scenes, illustrator and designer of the first Christmas card🎨. He was a member of the artist's colony in Cranbrook.

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Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) | Art Quotes

"L'artista deve creare una scintilla prima di poter fare un fuoco e quindi nasce l'arte, l'artista deve essere pronto a consumarsi al fuoco della sua stessa creazione".

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Jacques Prévert / Maximilien Luce | Chanson de la Seine, 1945

The River Seine’s song

The Seine is lucky
She has no worries
She takes it easy
By day and by night
And she flows from her spring
Gently, quietly
And without foaming
Without overflowing her banks
She’s leaving for the sea
Passing through Paris.

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Vittorio Matteo Corcos | La signora con ombrellino, 1884

Born into a Jewish family of the Italian port city of Livorno in 1859 and died in 1933, in Florence, Vittorio Matteo Corcos is known for his portraits of parisian society and his genre scenes.
Corcos studied in Florence and then in Naples, where he was one of Domenico Morelli's best students.

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Peace quotes / Frasi sulla pace

  • "Occhio per occhio e il mondo diventa cieco"!
  • "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"!
Mahatma Gandhi
  • "I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word".
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Micko-Vic / Miodrag

Micko-Vic è il soprannome del pittore professionista - Miodrag. Micko è un artista autodidatta.
Micko è nato in Serbia, in una città industriale vicino a Belgrado.
Dopo la laurea in ingegneria elettrica presso l'Istituto Nikola Tesla, si è presto trovato in una professione che non era affatto adatta alla sua personalità, cosi si da all'arte.
Il suo stile di disegno parla dell'artista come rappresentante del cubismo moderno.
Nei dipinti di Micko-Vic ci sono forme cubiche affilate e colori brillanti, e prima esegue le sue opere con una matita ed un pennello, poi acrilico e gel.
I temi principali di Micko-Vic sono ritratti, paesaggi e scene della vita quotidiana.

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Jacques Prévert | Kiss Me / Embrasse-moi / Baciami, 1946

Twas in a street of the City of Lights
Where ’is always dark, where there’s no air
And winter like summer, there ’is always winter.

She was on the stairs
Him next to her, her next to him
‘Twas night

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French Artists | Sitemap

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | La plage du Lavandou, 1894

French traditions in the fine arts are deep and rich, and painting, sculpture, music, dance, architecture, photography, and film all flourish under state support.
During the Renaissance led to Italy becoming the main source of stylistic developments until France matched Italy's influence during the Rococo and Neoclassicism periods.
During the 19th century and up to mid-20 century France and especially Paris was considered the center of the art world with art styles such as Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism originating there as well as movements and congregations of foreign artists such as the École de Paris.

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Liu Maoshan, 1942 | Modern impressionist painter

Liu Maoshan is a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu province. He is now vice-president of the Suzhou Chinese Painting Academy and a member of Chinese Artists Associations. He is rated as a national first class artist.
He was graduated from the Suzhou Institute of Arts and Crafts in 1962.
Having mastered a solid and intensive understanding of the works of classical European masters and modern impressionism, he later changed his interest to the creation of Chinese landscape painting.

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Anja Bührer | Surreal silhouettes

Anja Bührer, aka Latoday, is a Berlin-based photographer and digital artist. Bührer uses her hauntingly beautiful aesthetic to depict a myriad of dreamy scenes. Bührer's conceptual photographs lie somewhere between dreams and nightmares, as though one is trapped in this in-between state of unconsciousness.
There's a haziness throughout her dreamed, souls, and street collections that somehow balance the familiar with the unknown.

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Lado Gudiashvili Symbolist painter

Lado Gudiashvili / ლადო გუდიაშვილი (1896-1980) was a 20th-century Georgian painter.
Gudiashvili was born in Tiflis (now Tbilisi) on March 18 (30), 1896 into a family of a railroad employee.
He studied in the Tiflis school of sculpture and fine art (1910-1914), where he met the Armenian artist Alexander Bazhbeuk-Melikyan, and later in Ronson's private academy in Paris (1919-1926).

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Diego Velázquez | Legacy

Diego Velázquez (Spanish Baroque Era painter, 1599-1660) is the most influential figure of the Spanish Golden Age.
Velázquez was not prolific; he is estimated to have produced between only 110 and 120 known canvases.
He produced no etchings or engravings, and only a few drawings are attributed to him.

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William Turner | L'eruzione del Vesuvio, 1817

La drammatica rappresentazione di Joseph Mallord di William Turner (1775-1851) sul Vesuvio è una delle numerose iterazioni artistiche di eruzione di vulcani dalla fine del diciottesimo all'inizio del diciannovesimo secolo.
Turner visitò Napoli e salì al Vesuvio nel 1819; tuttavia, non ha mai assistito ad un'eruzione in prima persona e questa composizione probabilmente ha preceduto il suo soggiorno italiano.

William Turner | L'Eruzione del Vesuvio, 1817

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Philip Wilson Steer | Pittore Impressionista

Steer, Philip Wilson - Pittore, nato a Birkenhead il 28 dicembre 1860. Ricevette la sua istruzione artistica nella Scuola d'arte di Gloucester, a Parigi nello studio di Julian con il Bouguereau, e all'École des Beaux-arts con il Cabanel.
Attraversò dapprima un periodo in cui subì influssi varî, compresi quelli del Whistler e del Bastien-Lepage, fino al 1889, quando intese la grande importanza dell'impressionismo francese e del Monet.
Nel 1866 venne fondato New English Art Club, di cui lo St. rimase per 30 anni il membro più importante. Nel 1893 divenne assistente del Brown alla Slade School e in tale qualità esercitò un grandissimo influsso sulla generazione successiva di pittori.

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Maria Oosthuizen, 1972 | Embrace painting

Maria Magdalena Oosthuizen is a full-time artist exhibiting in various galleries.
Oosthuizen was born in Paarl (Western Cape) South Africa. She currently resides in Mossel Bay, a small coastal town in South Africa, with her husband, and three children.
Maria is a qualified hairdresser.

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Diego Velázquez and the Modern recreations

Diego Velázquez is the most influential figure in the history of Spanish portraiture.
Velázquez is estimated to have produced between only 110 and 120 known canvases.
The respect with which twentieth century painters regard Velázquez's work attests to its continuing importance.