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Désiré François Laugée (1823-1896)

Désiré François Laugée é stato un pittore Francese. Il suo lavoro comprendeva ritratti e scene classiche religiose o storiche.
I suoi grandi murali decorano ancora diverse chiese di Parigi. Ha anche realizzato paesaggi naturalistici e dipinti di genere di contadini, in particolare nell'ultimo periodo della sua vita.
Con i suoi quadri Laugée può essere considerato come precursore della scuola di Barbizon.
Ha ottenuto un grande successo durante la sua vita, anche se da allora il suo lavoro è stato ampiamente ignorato.

Désiré François Laugée | Victor Hugo sur son lit de mort

Désiré François Laugée was a French painter. His work included portraits and classical religious or historical scenes.
His large murals still decorate several churches in Paris. He also made naturalist landscapes and genre paintings of peasants, particularly in his later life.
With this work he may be seen as a precursor of the Barbizon school. He achieved great success during his lifetime, although his work has since been largely ignored.

Throughout his life Laugée was pulled between the academic tradition of his early years and the growing influence of the romantic Barbizon school and Impressionism, although he did not join the newer schools.
He undertook many commissioned portraits, several great religious paintings, and realistic paintings of the countryside and peasant life.
In his last years almost all his work represented nature and country life. | © Wikipedia