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Michelangelo Buonarroti | Celestial Love | Sonnet 105

No mortal thing enthralled these longing eyes
When perfect peace in thy fair face I found;
But far within, where all is holy ground,
My soul felt Love, her comrade of the skies:

Non vider gli occhi miei cosa mortale
allor che ne’ bei vostri intera pace
trovai, ma dentro, ov’ogni mal dispiace,
chi d’amor l’alma a sé simil m’assale;

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Montserrat Gudiol (1933-2015)

Montserrat Gudiol Corominas (Barcellona, 9 giugno 1933 - 25 dicembre 2015) è stato una pittrice Spagnola.
Nel 1981 diventa la prima Donna ammessa alla Real Academia Catalana di Belle Arti di San Giorgio (San Jordi in catalano).
Nel 1998 riceve la Croce di San Giorgio ("La Creu de Sant Jordi" assegna annualmente alle persone od entità sociali che si sono distinte nella diffusione e promozione della lingua e della cultura catalane) assegnato dal governo della Catalogna.

Montserrat Gudiol è nata a Barcellona. È la figlia dell'architetto e storico dell'arte Gudiol Ricart.
Nel 1950 studia il restauro dei dipinti antichi e si dedica in particolare alla pittura su legno e carta. Parte in Spagna ma anche in Sud Africa, Stati Uniti, Russia e Canada.

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Auguste Charpentier (1813-1880) | Ritrattista

Auguste Charpentier è stato un pittore, incisore e designer Francese🎨.
Charpentier ha studiato sotto la direzione di Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres🎨 e François Gérard all'École beaux-arts de Paris.

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Tintoretto in America

La collezione Samuel Kress comprende oltre 3.000 opere d'arte europea ed è rinomata per l'abbondanza di dipinti del Rinascimento italiano.
La collezione è stata donata a decine di musei d'arte regionali e accademici negli Stati Uniti tra il 1929-1961, con la più grande donazione riservata alla National Gallery of Art di Washington D.C. | © Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York

Tintoretto | Self-Portrait, 1588 | Musee du Louvre

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Gerard van Honthorst | Adorazione del Bambino, 1619-1620

Adoration of the Christ Child (Italian: Adorazione del Bambino), is a circa 1619-1621 oil on canvas painting of the Nativity by the Dutch Golden Age artist Gerard van Honthorst (1590-1656) in the collection of the Uffizi in Florence.
The Adoration of the Child shows a moonlit scene with Mary laying the Child in swaddling clothes.
Joseph is looking over her shoulder and two angels are leaning over the crib.

Gerard van Honthorst | Adoration of the Christ Child, 1619-1620 | Uffizi Gallery, Florence

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Victorian era Christmas Card

The gift of love.
The gift of peace.
The gift of happiness.
May all these be yours at Christmas.

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Allegory of Poetry

Auger Lucas (French Rococo Era painter, 1685-1765) | An Allegory of Poetry

As a literary device, an allegory is a metaphor in which a character, place or event is used to deliver a broader message about real-world issues and occurrences.
Allegory (in the sense of the practice and use of allegorical devices and works) has occurred widely throughout history in all forms of art, largely because it can readily illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers, or listeners.
Writers or speakers typically use allegories as literary devices or as rhetorical devices that convey (semi-)hidden or complex meanings through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey.
Many allegories use personifications of abstract concepts.

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Barbara Longhi (1552-1638) | Pittrice Manierista

Barbara Longhi è stata una pittrice Italiana.
Fu una stimata ritrattista, ma solo poche sue opere ci sono pervenute, in parte riconducibili all'attività svolta nella bottega del padre, dove le era affidato il compito di produrre piccole tele su tema religioso, destinate alla devozione privata.
Nacque a Ravenna, dove trascorse l'intera sua esistenza.
Era figlia di Luca (1507-1580), noto pittore manierista🎨 e di Bernardina Baronzelli.
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Allegory of Music

Francesco Trevisani (Italian Rococo Era painter, 1656-1746) | An allegory of music

The word Music derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; "art of the Muses").
In Greek mythology, the nine Muses were the goddesses who inspired literature, science, and the arts and who were the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, song-lyrics, and myths in the Greek culture.

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Allegory of painting

Artemisia Gentileschi🎨 (Italian Baroque Era painter, 1593-1652) | Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 1638 (detail) | Royal Collection

First attested in English in 1382, the word allegory comes from Latin allegoria, the latinisation of the Greek ἀλληγορία (allegoría), "veiled language, figurative", which in turn comes from both ἄλλος (allos), "another, different" and ἀγορεύω (agoreuo), "to harangue, to speak in the assembly", which originates from ἀγορά (agora), "assembly".

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Lucien Abrams (1870-1941) | Impressionist painter

A native Kansan, Lucien Abrams moved to Dallas with his family in 1873. He studied at Princeton, the Art Students League of New York, and the Académie Julian in Paris, living and traveling in Europe and Algeria from 1894-1914.
While Abrams’ style is diverse, the works he exhibited annually in Paris, and at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the National Academy of Design showed the influences of Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Fauvism.

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Hans Thoma | The Twelve Months, 1906-1908

Hans Thoma | January

Born in the Black Forest to a family of manual laborers, German painter, Hans Thoma (1839-1924) studied lithography in Basel in 1853, and after 1855 worked in Furtwangen with a miniaturist, painting watches and jewelry cases.
He entered the Karlsruhe Kunstschule in 1858 where his teachers included Ludwig Des Coudres, Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, and Hans Canon. His major interest during this period was landscape.

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Henri Matisse at the Hermitage Museum

Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is exhibited at the The State Hermitage Museum in Hall 440.
The celebrated monumental paintings include the pair of panels known as Dance and Music (both 1910), Family Portrait (1911), Conversation (between 1909-1912).
The first variant of Dance is depicted in another picture entitled Fruits, Flowers, and the Panel “Dance” (1909).

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Frederick Carl Frieseke | Vita ed opere

Frederick Carl Frieseke è stato uno dei maggiori pittori impressionisti Americani.


Frederick Carl Frieseke nacque in una cittadina del Michigan, figlio del titolare di un'impresa edile. Dopo la morte della madre nel 1881 la famiglia si trasferì in Florida e tornò nel Michigan solo nel 1892. Frederick iniziò allora i suoi studi d'arte presso l'Art Institute of Chicago, dove rimase per quattro anni, per poi recarsi a New York alla Art Student League, dove restò sino al 1897.
Nel 1898 partì per la Francia, e vi rimase tutta la vita, pur continuando a tornare spesso in patria in occasione delle sue mostre o per particolari lavori.
A Parigi si iscrisse all'Académie Julian ed ebbe come maestri Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant e Jean-Paul Laurens.

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Jean Geoffroy (1853-1924) | Genre painter

Henri-Jules-Jean Geoffroy, also known by the pseudonym Géo was a French painter🎨 and illustrator, known primarily for his genre scenes🎨 with children. Some sources give his first names in reverse order.
His father, Jean-Baptiste (1822-1895), was a tailor and costume designer.
His mother, Rosalie, was the eldest daughter of an English painter named John Dickinson (1791-1830). They moved to Paris when he was only two.

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Diego Rivera (1887-1957)

Diego Rivera, all'anagrafe Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez è stato un pittore e muralista Messicano, famoso per la tematica sociale delle sue opere realizzate in gran parte in edifici pubblici (soprattutto nel centro storico di Città del Messico).
Nacque a Guanajuato l'8 dicembre 1886.
A partire dal 1896 iniziò a prendere lezioni notturne nell'Accademia di San Carlos a Città del Messico, in cui conobbe il noto paesaggista José María Velasco.

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Perugino (1445-1523)

Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci -il Perugino, was the greatest painter of the Umbrian school, active mainly in Perugia.
He studied under Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, assisted Piero della Francesca at Arezzo, and in the early 1470s was a fellow pupil of Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo di Credi in Verrocchio's studio in Florence.
In 1479 Perugino was summoned to Rome by Pope Sixtus IV to help decorate the Sistine Chapel.

Perugino Umbrian school

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William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905)

William-Adolphe Bouguereau was a French academic painter. In his realistic genre paintings he used mythological themes, making modern interpretations of classical subjects, with an emphasis on the female human body.
During his life he enjoyed significant popularity in France and the United States, was given numerous official honors, and received top prices for his work.

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Edgar Degas: "Niente, in arte, deve sembrare dovuto al caso"

"Do it again, ten times, a hundred times. Nothing in art must seem to be an accident, not even movement".
"Bisogna rifare dieci volte, cento volte lo stesso soggetto. Niente, in arte, deve sembrare dovuto al caso".

Edgar Degas

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Théo van Rysselberghe (Belgian, 1862-1926)

Théophile "Théo" van Rysselberghe was a Belgian neo-impressionist painter, who played a pivotal role in the European art scene at the turn of the twentieth century.
He discovered the pointillist technique when he saw Georges Seurat's La Grande Jatte at the eighth Impressionist exhibition in Paris in 1886.

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Camillo Rusconi | Scultore barocco

Camillo Rusconi (Milano, 14 luglio 1658 - Roma, 8 dicembre 1728) è stato uno scultore Italiano.
Figlio di genitori originari del Cantone Ticino, fu allievo a Milano di Giuseppe Rusnati.
Giunse a Roma nel 1684, data in cui è documentato nella bottega del ticinese Ercole Ferrata, un artista formatosi nella scia di Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Lavorò inizialmente ad opere minori, per lo più in stucco, poste a decorazione di architetture (a San Silvestro in Capite, San Salvatore in Lauro, Santa Maria in Vallicella).