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Galina Chuvilyaeva, 1957 | Angels

Galina Chuvilyaeva / Галина Чувиляева is a famous St. Petersburg artist, jeweler, member of the Union of Designers and the Union of Artists of Russia, a participant in numerous exhibitions.
Galina Chuvilyaeva was born in 1957 on the Volga. Childhood and youth passed in Ukraine, where his father served.
The beauty of the Carpathians, mountains, rivers and gardens blooming twice a year - all this has left an indelible mark on the artist's soul.

"Childhood is difficult now", says Galina Chuvilyaeva, "a lot of problems, not much positive. It feels the lack of the kindness and the warmth that were in my childhood.
Therefore, I want to share this warmth. My paintings bring joy, so I can not stop: I work and work. Through myself I transfer my sunny childhood. We lived in that life in an illusion, in anticipation of change for the better, we were dreamers".
“I am happy that in this way I can bring good to this imperfect, but beautiful world” she said.