
Hans Thoma | Solitude, 1906

Hans Thoma (October 2, 1839 - November 7, 1924) was a German Symbolist painter.
In his love of the details of nature, in his precise drawing of outline, and in his predilection for local coloring, he has distinct affinities with the Pre-Raphaelites.
Many of his pictures have found their way into two private collections in Liverpool.
A portrait of the artist and two subject pictures, The Guardian of the Valley and Spring Idyll are at the Galerie Neue Meister; Eve in Paradise and The Open Valley at the Städel.



John Palmer Wicker | Autumn, 1924 | Detroit Institute of Arts

John Palmer Wicker (1860-1931) was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan, Feb. 23, 1860; son of William W. and Charlotte Adelaide (Palmer) Wicker; studied art seven years in Paris, three and one-half years at Julian Academy under William Bouguereau, and three and one-half years in private classes of Ferdinand Cormon; married at Saginaw, Mich., July, 1897, Marie Louise Saxmann.


Exhibited portraits three times in Paris salons; exhibited three portraits at St. Louis Exposition, 1904; has taught for ten years; associate director Detroit Fine Arts Academy.


Jens Ferdinand Willumsen | Symbolist / Expressionist painter

Jens Ferdinand Willumsen (7 September 1863 - 4 April 1958) was a Danish painter, sculptor, graphic artist, architect and photographer. He became associated with the movements of Symbolism🎨 and Expressionism.
J. F. Willumsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. He was the son of Hans Willumsen and Ane Kirstine. He was initially trained in art at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1881-1885 and in architecture at the Copenhagen Technical College from 1879-1882. He completed his education in 1885 with the artists P.S. Krøyer🎨 (1851-1909) and Laurits Tuxen (1853-1927).
His works were exhibited in the Paris Salon, the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, the Société des Artistes Indépendants, the art gallery of Le Barc de Boutteville and at the Exposition Universelle (1900).



Luis de Morales (El Divino) | Mannerist painter

Luis de Morales, byname El Divino (Spanish: “The Divine”), (born c. 1509, Badajoz, Spain - died May 9, 1586, Badajoz), painter who was the first Spanish artist🎨 of pronounced national character, considered to be the greatest native Mannerist painter🎨 of Spain.
He is remembered for his emotional religious paintings, which earned him his sobriquet and greatly appealed to the Spanish populace.
Morales may have studied with the Flemish painter🎨 Hernando Sturmio in Badajoz or with Pedro de Campaña in Seville.
He worked in Badajoz from 1546, leaving on occasional commissions but making his home there all his life. Summoned by Philip II of Spain to help in the decoration of El Escorial, he painted a Christ Carrying the Cross that did not please the king and was removed to the Church of San Jerónimo, Madrid.



Pablo Picasso | Sleeping peasants, 1919

Medium: Gouache, watercolor, and pencil on paper
Dimensions: 12 1/4 x 19 1/4" (31.1 x 48.9 cm)
Credit: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund
Current location: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Sleeping peasants, is the most potent of the small erotic paintings that is brilliantly coloured.
The restless, irregular rhythms mapped out by the contours of the tumescene limbs and ruckled drapery amount to a graph of love-making which has just occured, while the woman's thrown-back head and uncovered breast confirm her maenadic ancestry.
The ripe bodies nestled in the ripe crops implying some archaic fertility rite.



Vincent van Gogh | Vase with Poppies, 1886

Vase with Poppies is a painting made by Vincent van Gogh in Paris in 1886.
March 24, 2019
By The Associated Press | A painting at a Connecticut museum that has long been thought to be by Vincent van Gogh🎨 has been authenticated by Dutch researchers.
The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford announced Friday that "Vase With Poppies", a still life oil painting, has been verified by researchers at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam as having been made by the Dutch artist in 1886, just after he moved to Paris. It has been in the Atheneum’s collection since 1957.



Vincent van Gogh | Wheatfield with Partridge, 1887

Amid the waving wheat, we see poppies and cornflowers.
A partridge emerges from the field and flies away.
Looking at this painting, you feel as if you're right next to the field. That's because of the low point of view.

Van Gogh painted this rural wheat field while living in the crowded city of Paris.
Before his move to the French capital, his main theme had been country life. For him, this summery painting was a brief return to that theme. | © Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam



Vincent van Gogh | Pine Trees Against An Evening Sky, 1889

Vincent Van Gogh🎨 achieved his most beautiful effect of branches with foliage against the sky in the Pine Trees against an Evening Sky.
In reality, the scale of the overall scene is such that it cannot be taken in at one glance, and to paint the trees and the sky like that Van Gogh would have had to gaze up above his head.
The artist was of the opinion that the picture he provided here of the asylum was fairly pleasant and his aim had indeed been to 'reconstruct it as it might have been by simplifying and accentuating the proud and immutable character of the pines and the clumps of cedar against the blue'.



Henri Matisse | Conversation under the Olive Trees, 1921

Beneath their tranquil surface, Henri Matisse's paintings often conceal a complex discourse expressing his conflicting aspirations through the relationship between subject and style.
Conversation under the Olive Trees is particularly revealing in this respect. Two elegant ladies standing on the lawn seem to be chatting.
Behind them is a path; on the far side and slightly lower, we see a grove of olive-trees, while further away appears the silhouette of a hill, and beyond it another.

Henri Matisse | Conversation under the Olive Trees, 1921 | The Carmen Thyssen Museum (Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga)


Henri Matisse | Legacy / L'eredità

The first painting of Henri Matisse🎨 (31 December 1869 - 3 November 1954) acquired by a public collection was Still Life with Geraniums (1910), exhibited in the Pinakothek der Moderne.
Today, a Matisse painting can fetch as much as US $17 million.
In 2002, a Matisse sculpture, Reclining Nude I (Dawn), sold for US $9.2 million, a record for a sculpture by the artist.
Matisse's daughter Marguerite often aided Matisse scholars with insights about his working methods and his works. She died in 1982 while compiling a catalog of her father's work.
Matisse's son, Pierre Matisse, (1900-1989) opened an important modern art gallery in New York City during the 1930s.



Edward Pustovoitov, 1964


Edward Pustovoitov è nato a Makeyevka, in Ucraina.
Ha conseguito la qualifica di Designer presso l'Istituto di studi teatrali e artistici di Odessa.
L'irresistibile desiderio di viaggiare una volta portò Pustovoitov a venire in Lettonia e ad iscriversi al collegio nautico di Riga; dopo la laurea ha lavorato come marinaio presso la Latvian Shipping.
Nel 1993, residente a Riga, il giovane marinaio Eduard, come racconta, arrivò accidentalmente nei Paesi Bassi e visitò il Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Amsterdam, dove per la prima volta conobbe il famoso e scandaloso surrealista spagnolo Dalì, più precisamente - con le sue opere.


Adam de Coster (1586-1643) | Card players by candlelight

In the absence of signed and documented works by Flemish painter🎨 Adam De Coster (1586-1643), all attributions have been based on Lucas Vorsterman's engraving after a lost original entitled "The Trick-trak player".
The present painting, which was also engraved by Vorsterman, shares a number of similarities with this key, lost work.
Both compositions are multi-figural and lit by candlelight, with a figure in the foreground partially shading the light source.
The artist adopts a low viewpoint in both paintings which means that the table-tops are hardly visible.



John Constable RA (1776-1837) | Clouds study

John Constable, RA was an English🎨 landscape painter in the naturalistic tradition.
Constable considered the sky of paramount importance to landscape painting, and in a letter of 1821 to his close friend John Fisher, he wrote:
‘It will be difficult to name a class of landscape in which the sky is not the keynote, the standard of scale, and the chief organ of sentiment … The sky is the source of light in Nature, and governs everything’.
Clouds is one of around fifty extant paintings of the sky which Constable made in Hampstead, between 1821 and 1822, and it has been speculated that he produced more than one hundred such studies at the time.
Constable made his intense examination, which he called ‘skying’, to precisely record different weather and atmospheric conditions, in preparation for his grand landscapes. | The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) Australia



Werner van den Valckert | A girl holding pancakes in a feigned stone window, 1624

Werner van den Valckert (1580/85-1627) was a Dutch🎨 Golden Age painter and engraver.
Though he was born in Amsterdam, he became a member of the Guild of St. Luke in the Hague between 1600-1605.
By 1614 he had moved to Amsterdam, because his daughter was baptized there. His earliest dated etchings are from 1612.
His surviving paintings are historical allegories and portraits.
He also made a prestigious schuttersstuk, which features the Amsterdam burgermeester Albert Burgh.



George Spencer Watson | Romantic / Portrait painter

George Spencer Watson R.O.I., R.P., A.R.A., R.A. (8 March 1869, in London - 11 April 1934, in London) was an English🎨 portrait artist of the late romantic school who sometimes worked in the style of the Italian Renaissance.
  • Career
He studied at the Royal Academy Schools from 1889, and exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1891.
He won Royal Academy Schools Silver Medals in 1889 and 1891, and the Landseer Scholarship in 1892.
He was elected to the Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI) in 1900, Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP) in 1904, Associate of the Royal Academy in 1923, and a Member of the Royal Academy (RA) in 1932.



Antonio Ambrogio Alciati (1878-1929)

Alciati, Antonio Ambrogio - Nato a Vercelli il 5 sett. 1878, studiò pittura a Vercelli con G. Costa, nell'Istituto di Belle Arti, poi a Milano con V. Bignami e C. Tallone all'Accademia di Brera, dove più tardi tenne la cattedra di figura.
Dopo alcuni quadri di un verismo sentimentale e nebuloso - tra T. Cremona e E. Carrière - si dedicò particolarmente al ritratto con una tecnica impressionistica facile e a largo impasto -Ritratto della signorina Binda, premiato a Brera nel 1914.
Partecipò alle Biennali veneziane dalla VII alla XII. Eseguì affreschi in chiese e ville della Lombardia (villa Pirotta a Brunate). Opere sue si conservano nelle Gallerie d'arte moderna di Milano (Ritratto della madre, pastello) e di Roma (Ritratto della signorina Pirotta), nel municipio di Vercelli (La vedova) e in numerose collezioni private. Morì a Milano il 7 marzo 1929. | di Palma Bucarelli, © Treccani, Enciclopedia Italiana



Paul Cezanne, Un grec de la Belle Époque..

In his review of the Second Impressionist Exhibition of 1877, the art critic Georges Riviere (1850-1900) defended Les Baigneurs au repos🎨 of 1875-1876 by terming Cézanne, "Un grec de la Belle Époque" and arguing that:
  • "his canvases have the calm and heroic serenity of the paintings and terra-cottas of antiquity, and the ignorant who laugh at the Bathers, for example, impress me like barbarians criticizing the Parthenon".
  • "M. Cézanne est, dans ses æuvres, un grec de la belle époque; ses toiles ont le calme, la sérénité héroïque des peintures et des terres cuites antiques, et les ignorants qui rient devant les Baigneurs, par exemple, me font l’effet de barbares critiquant le Panthéon.
  • (…) la peinture de M.Cézanne a le charme inexprimable de l’antiquité biblique et grecque, les mouvements des personnages sont simples et grands comme dans les sculptures antiques, les paysages ont une majesté qui s’impose …"



William Acton (1906-1945)

William Hamilton Mitchell Acton (16 August 1906 - 31 August 1945) was an Anglo🎨-Italian painter🎨 who died while in active service during World War II.
  • Biography
William Hamilton Mitchell Acton was born in Florence on 16 August 1906, the son of Arthur Acton (1873-1953), an art collector and dealer, and Hortense Lenore Mitchell (1871-1962), the heiress of John J. Mitchell, President of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. Harold Acton was his older brother.
He attended Chateau de Lancy, Geneva, and Eton College; at Eton his contemporaries were Robert Byron, Brian Howard, Alfred Duggan and Anthony Powell, who remembers William fondly in his memoirs.



Arturo Martini | Portrait of Wally Toscanini, 1925

Arturo Martini, (born August 11, 1889, Treviso, Italy - died March 22, 1947, Milan), was a leading Italian sculptor and painter between World War I and II.
He moved between a very vigorous (almost ancient Roman) classicism and modernism. He was associated with public sculpture in fascist Italy, but later renounced his medium altogether.


Martini seems to have been an active supporter of the Futurist movement between 1914-1918. He certainly corresponded with Umberto Boccioni and produced a modernist booklet in 1918. His early works show an archaic tendency, two-dimensionality and polychrome effects.



Oscar Hermann Lamb (1876-1947)

Oscar Hermann-Lamb was an Italian artist🎨 born in Trieste. Like so many Triestine painters he studied in Munich, where he remained for two years, between 1895-1896.
Immediately afterwards he continued his studies in Rome and from 1900 he decided to settle in Vienna.
His friendship with the Friulian sculptor Alfonso Canciani dates back to this phase - also a resident of Vienna - to whom he dedicated a portrait, documented in the archive of the Revoltella Museum.
Especially committed to the study of the figure, in these years he produced great compositions of a Divisionist🎨 imprint (see the "I founders🎨" canvas of 1903, purchased from the Revoltella Museum).



Albert Moulton Foweraker (1873-1942) Landscape painter

Albert Moulton Foweraker (7 July 1873 - January, 1942) was an English painter🎨.
He was educated at Exeter Cathedral School, was an exhibitioner at Cavendish College, Cambridge in 1890, and went on to Christ's College, from where he obtained his Degree in Applied Science in 1893.
He obtained First Class Honours, City and Guilds in 1896, and was a qualified Milling Engineer. He was also sometime Demonstrator In Science at Exeter Technical College. He was married in July 1897 to Annie Triphina Coles.



Alberto Salietti (Italian painter, 1892-1961)

Alberto Salietti (Ravenna, 1892 - Chiavari, 1961) was an Italian painter🎨.
Salietti was born in Ravenna and moved to Milan when child.
An eclectic character in the artistic universe of the first half of the century, he played two parts with expertise: he was the secretary of the group “Novecento” where he meticulously handled both national and international relationships and left a wealth of information in the archives; and painter "amongst the most significant contemporary artists" as how Ugo Nebbia has consecrated him.



Abraham Brueghel (1631-1690)

Abraham Brueghel è stato un pittore Fiammingo.
Appartenente alla celebre dinastia dei Brueghel - era figlio di Jan il Giovane e nipote di Jan Brueghel dei Velluti; il suo bisnonno era il celebre Pieter Bruegel il Vecchio, Abraham Brueghel trascorse, al contrario dei suoi famigliari, quasi tutta la vita in Italia, dove giunse nel 1649.
Abraham dipinse quasi solo composizioni di fiori; la sua prima commissione importante fu quella per il nobile messinese Antonio Ruffo, un raffinatissimo collezionista che fu il primo italiano a richiedere un'opera di Rembrandt.



Giovanni Boldini | La danzatrice spagnola, 1900

Giovanni Boldini (Ferrara, 31 dicembre 1842 - Parigi, 11 gennaio 1931) è stato un pittore Italiano, considerato uno degli interpreti più sensibili e fantasiosi dell'elettrizzante fascino della Belle Époque.
La ballerina spagnola si chiamava Anìta de la Feria, e le sue movenze vennero immortalate da Giovanni Boldini.



Mary Evelina Kindon (1849-1919) Genre painter

Mary Evelina Kindon was a British🎨 watercolorist, genre scenes🎨 and urban landscapes painter during the 20th century.
Mary Kindon was born in Victorian London and adopted a style that was being taught in the more progressive continental academies.
Mary Kindon was a frequent exhibitor at the Royal Academy and the Suffolk Street Gallery in London. She also exhibited at the Institute of Painters in Watercolors from 1874.
She often painted mothers and children and seems to have been fond of painting girls in white dresses.



Rodolfo Amoedo (1857-1941) Academic painter


Rodolfo Amoedo (11 December 1857, Salvador - 31 May 1941, Rio de Janeiro) was a Brazilian painter🎨, designer and decorator.
His interest in art and decoration began when a family friend (who was a lyricist) invited him to do work on the now defunct Teatro São Pedro.
In 1873, he enrolled at the "Liceu de Artes e Ofícios do Rio de Janeiro", where he studied with Victor Meirelles.
The following year, he transferred to the Academia Imperial de Belas Artes.


Harry Bliss, 1964 | Famous Artist's Modeling Agency

Harry Bliss is a United States cartoonist and illustrator.
Bliss grew up in New York State among an artistic family. His sister Rachel Bliss and brother Charlie Bliss, and father Jack Bliss are all artists. He studied painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and studied illustration at the University of the Arts, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts and at Syracuse University earning an M.A.
Bliss has illustrated many books and produces cartoons and covers for The New Yorker. His first book for children, A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech was a New York Times bestseller, as was Diary of a Worm, Diary of a Spider and Diary of a Fly all by Doreen Cronin. Bliss' self-titled cartoon collection Death by Laughter with an introduction by Christopher Guest was published in 2008.

Harry Bliss | Modigliani, Léger, Munch, Picasso and Whistler cartoon

Eugenio Zampighi, il pittore Romantico

Eugenio Zampighi (Modena, 1859 - Maranello, 1944) è stato un pittore e fotografo Italiano, principalmente di soggetti di genere..
Iscrittosi giovanissimo all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Modena, fin dai suoi primi saggi di soggetto storico accoglie la suggestione della lezione verista del pittore modenese Giovanni Muzioli.
In giovanissima età e fin dai suoi primi dipinti storici fu influenzato dal pittore verista modenese Giovanni Muzzioli.



Algernon Talmage | Pittore impressionista

Algernon Mayon Talmage R.A., R.O.I. (1871-1939) è stato un pittore impressionista Britannico.
Il Talmage è meglio conosciuto per aver insegnato a Emily Carr, durante i suoi studi a St Ives, in Inghilterra, quando visse e lavorò nel suo studio che fu poi chiamato "The Cabin" situato a Westcotts Quay, St Ives.
Emily Carr (1871-1945), è stata una delle prime pittrici Canadesi ad adottare uno stile pittorico modernista e post-impressionista.



William-Adolphe Bouguereau | The Mimosa Flower, 1899

In February 1899, the French🎨 painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905)🎨 and his wife travelled with their son Paul to Menton, a small town on the French Riviera.
The journey was on the advice of Paul's doctors, who hoped the sea air would improve his recently diagnosed tuberculosis.
Paul (then 30) left behind his law practice, and Bouguereau put his painting aside as they settled into the elegant Hôtel des Îles Britanniques.
Though initially planned to last a month, the trip was extended week by week, and Bouguereau grew anxious to paint, writing to a friend "I finally found a room on the north side of the hotel and a few little models, and set to work" (as quoted from a letter dated March 1, 1899 in Bartoli, p. 394).
