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Claude Monet | Low Tide at Pourville near Dieppe, 1882

This is one of several views Monet painted of the cliffs and sand flats of Pourville, a small fishing village on the Normandy coast of France.
The title indicates a momentary stage in the continuous cycle of nature, just as the quick, spontaneous application of paint reflects Monet's efforts to capture shifting effects of light, weather, and tide.

Title: Low Tide at Pourville near Dieppe
Artist: Claude Monet - French Impressionist painter, (1840-1926)
Date: 1882
Dimensions: 59.9 x 81.3 cm;
Medium: Oil on Canvas;
Current location: The Cleveland Museum of Art.

The paint layers under the beach indicate that this part of the composition originally depicted water, as would have been appropriate for a depiction of high rather than low tide.
Similar changes were made in the clouds during the painting process. | © The Cleveland Museum of Art

Other artwork from Claude Monet