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Erté | Art Déco painter / sculptor

Romain de Tirtoff /Роман Петрович Тыртов (1892-1990) was a Russian / French artist and designer known by the pseudonym Erté.
Tirtoff was born as Roman Petrov de Tyrtov in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire in a very distinguished family with roots traced back to 1548.
His father Pyotr Ivanovich de Tyrtov was a Fleet Admiral.
In 1910-1912 Romain moved to Paris to pursue a career as a designer.
This decision was made over strong objections of his father, who wanted Romain to continue a family tradition and to become a naval officer.

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Claude Monet | Autumn Effect at Argenteuil, 1873

Title: Autumn Effect at Argenteuil
Object type: painting
Date: 1873
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 55 × 74.5 cm (21.6 × 29.3 in)
Current location: Courtauld Institute of Art

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Claude Monet | Argenteuil, veduta del braccio piccolo della Senna, 1872

Durante il XIX ed il XX secolo, in particolare, la Senna ha ispirato molti artisti.
La Senna è uno dei principali fiumi della Francia. La lunghezza approssimativa del fiume è di 776,6 km, le sue fonti sono in Borgogna, a 470 m d'altitudine, a Saint-Germain-Source-Seine sull'altopiano di Langres, e la foce è nella Manica, a Nord della Francia, presso Le Havre.
Le sorgenti della Senna furono acquisite in proprietà dalla città di Parigi nel 1864.

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Claude Monet | Flowered Riverbank, Argenteuil, 1877

"Flowered Riverbank, Argenteuil" is an oil painting created in 1889 by French painter Claude Monet.
The painting is in the collection of the Pola Museum of Art, Hakone, Japan.
In 1872, Monet moved to Argenteuil, a town along the Seine River 10 km northwest of Paris, where he lived until January 1878.
Argenteuil, which was connected to Paris by the opening of the railway in 1851, was a popular leisure spot for people to play in the river, but it was rapidly industrialized.

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Claude Monet | Pommiers en Fleurs, 1878

The most consistently explorative of all the Impressionists, more than any artists of the period, Monet represents the movement and all it stood for.
A steady and persistent worker, independent of the necessity of waiting on 'inspiration', he found a prop for creativity in 'serialism', the creation of sets of work using the same motif; thus emphasising that a whole range of equally 'real' paintings could be made of the same subject, each varying according to the quality of light and weather conditions.

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Eugène Jules Delahogue | Les petits jardiniers, 1906

"Les petits jardiniers" was created in 1906 by Jules Eugene Delahogue (1867-1930), an French Orientalist painter, best known for his traditional scenes and landscapes.
Jules Eugene Delahogue is the twin brother of Orientalist painter Alexis Auguste Delahogue (1867-1950).

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Claude Monet | The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam, 1874

"The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam (Looking up the Groenburgwal)" was created in 1874 by French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) in Impressionism style.
The painting is in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam (Looking up the Groenburgwal)
Author: Claude Monet - French Impressionist painter (1840-1926);
Geography: Probably made in Netherlands, Europe;

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Van Gogh | Reminiscence of Brabant, 1890

This landscape was painted during one of Van Gogh's difficult periods. He was in the hospital in Saint-Rémy.
When he had to stay indoors but wanted to paint, he had to find subject matter.

Title: Reminiscence of Brabant
Artist: Dutch Post-Impressionist painter, (1853-1890)
Date: Saint-Rémy: March-April, 1890
Dimensions: 29.0 x 36.5 cm
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Current location: Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum

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Claude Monet | Low Tide at Pourville near Dieppe, 1882

This is one of several views Monet painted of the cliffs and sand flats of Pourville, a small fishing village on the Normandy coast of France.
The title indicates a momentary stage in the continuous cycle of nature, just as the quick, spontaneous application of paint reflects Monet's efforts to capture shifting effects of light, weather, and tide.

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Claude Monet | The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset, 1889

'The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset' was created in 1889 by French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) in Impressionism style.

Title: The Village of La Roche-Blond, Sunset
Artist: Claude Monet - French Impressionist painter, (1840-1926)
Date: 1889

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Claudia Cohen (Californian sculptor)

Claudia Cohen is an artist of ceramic and bronze sculptures with a studio in Sausalito, California.
Her recent paintings bring a similar narrative vision to another dimension. Claudia's works bring to life human nature in ways that deconstruct pre-conceived notions about humanity and stimulates the observers imagination.
Described as comic-surrealism, her style blends objective reality with mythology and flights of fancy.
Her use of uniquely colored patinas along with this magic-surreal vision are the reasons behind her immense popularity in the Bay Area art community and beyond.

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Claude Monet | The Grande Creuse by the Bridge at Vervy, 1889

The Grande Creuse by the Bridge at Vervy” is an evocative landscape painting by the renowned Impressionist artist Claude Monet, created in 1889.
This artwork is an exemplar of the Impressionism movement, which celebrates the play of light and color in nature.
Monet’s work often features outdoor scenes that convey the transient beauty of the environment through his distinctive brushwork and vibrant chromatic palette.
As a landscape painting, this piece continues the tradition of rendering the natural world, which has been a subject of artistic interpretation for centuries.

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Henri Matisse | Reader in purple dress, 1898

Title: Reader in purple dress
Author: Henri Matisse - French Fauvist painter and sculptor (1869-1954)
Date: 1898
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: cm 45 x 36
Current location: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims (France - Reims)

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Djordje Prudnikoff

Djordje Prudnikoff (1939-2017) was an graphic designer from Belgrade, Serbia. Born in Užice Prudnikoff has been claimed as one of the most original contemporary artists to emerge from the former Yugoslavia.

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Amédée-Julien Marcel-Clément (French painter, 1873-1950)

L'artista parigino Amédée Julien Marcel-Clément studiò alla School of Fine Art ed debuttò al Salon di Parigi nel 1903.
A quel tempo era meglio conosciuto per le scene parigine, che catturavano così vividamente l'era della Belle Époque e la moda della società parigina.
Dopo il primo debutto al Salon di Parigi, continuò ad esporre lì e al Salon des Indépendants per molti anni.
Tra il 1913-1914 espose in Gran Bretagna alla Royal Scottish Academy ed alla Walker Art Gallery di Liverpool.

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René Magritte | Stile e tecnica

Lo stile del pittore René Magritte viene definito Illusionismo onirico. Egli illustra, ad esempio, oggetti e brani di realtà assurdi: un paio di scarpe che si tramutano nelle dita di un piede o un paesaggio simultaneamente notturno nella parte inferiore e diurno in quella superiore, ricorrendo a tonalità fredde, ambigue, antisentimentali quali quelle del sogno. Scopo dei suoi enigmatici quadri è di creare nell'osservatore un "cortocircuito" visivo.
Magritte è l'artista surrealista che gioca con spostamenti del senso utilizzando sia accostamenti inconsueti sia deformazioni irreali. Del tutto estraneo al suo metodo è l'automatismo psichico: la sua pittura non vuole far emergere l'inconscio dell'uomo, bensì valorizzare oggetti usuali i quali decontestualizzati (ovvero sottratti al loro contesto naturale) appaiono inusuali, estranei all'esperienza.
Questo il tema attraverso il quale lo stile svela tratti affini alla Metafisica (intesa come movimento artistico e non in campo filosofico): il suo periodo surrealista ha inizio con la scoperta delle opere di Giorgio de Chirico. Da qui il bisogno di creare universi fantastici e misteriosi e pitture sulla natura basate su contenuti apparentemente indecifrabili ed enigmatici.

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Berthe Morisot | Personal life

Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot (1841-1895) came from an eminent family, the daughter of a government official and the great-niece of Rococo artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
She met her longtime friend and colleague, Édouard Manet, in 1868.
By the introduction of Manet, Morisot was married to Édouard's brother, Eugène Manet in 1874.
On November 14, 1878, she gave birth to her only child, Julie, who posed frequently for her mother and other Impressionist artists, including Renoir and her uncle Édouard.

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Berthe Morisot e l'Impressionismo

La prima apparizione di Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) al Salon de Paris avvenne all'età di ventitré anni nel 1864, con l'accettazione di due dipinti di paesaggi.
Ha continuato ad esporre regolarmente al Salon, con recensioni generalmente favorevoli, fino al 1873, l'anno prima della prima mostra impressionista.

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Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema | Stile e contenuti

Considerato uno dei pittori Vittoriani più influenti, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) costituisce una presenza molto particolare nel panorama artistico del XIX secolo; lo stile ed i contenuti delle sue opere manifestano allo stesso tempo elementi antichi e moderni, visitati in chiave personale, tanto che l'Art Journal del 1870 scrisse su di lui: «Alma-Tadema è difficile da classificare: non appartiene a nessuna scuola, o per meglio dire, è lui stesso una scuola».
Tuttavia «Alma-Tadema», pur nella sua peculiarità, si inserisce nell'estetica ottocentesca volta al recupero del passato, con una generale ripresa di stili artistici e aspetti formali propri di epoche storicamente lontane e neoclassiciste; le innovative e originali formule neopompeiane di Alma-Tadema, dettate della sua passione per l'archeologia vesuviana, trovarono a Londra un'accoglienza più che favorevole.
Al fine di soddisfare non solo il proprio amore per l'archeologia, ma anche le stravaganze intellettuali della sua committenza vittoriana, Alma-Tadema non esitò a rifugiarsi fantasiosamente nell'ancestrale dimensione domestica di Pompei.

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Ugo Flumiani (1876-1938)

Ugo Flumiani viene considerato il principale pittore di marine a Trieste tra la fine dell‘800 e l’inizio del ‘900.
Iniziò il suo percorso artistico all’Accademia di Venezia seguendo i corsi di paesaggio di Guglielmo Ciardi. Si spostò poi all’Accademia di Bologna per studiare architettura e decorazione.
Completò quindi la sua formazione con un soggiorno a Monaco di Baviera dove apprese la lezione impressionista diffusa a Trieste dall’amico Umberto Veruda.
Iniziò l’attività espositiva a Trieste nel 1895, partecipando assiduamente alle manifestazioni del Circolo Artistico dal 1906-1925.
Tra il 1927-1937 fu presente alle mostre del Sindacato Fascista di Belle Arti.

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Adrian Gottlieb, 1975

Applying historic techniques and painting methods to a classically inspired contemporary artistic expression, Gottlieb is committed to providing paintings using only archival grade materials that will stand the test of time.
Naturalist painter and portraitist, Adrian Gottlieb, was born in northeastern Vermont.
He currently lives and paints from a studio in Southern California.

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Benedetto Luti | Christ and the Woman of Samaria, 1715-1720

Artist: Benedetto Luti⏩ (Italian, Florence 1666–1724 Rome)
Date: 1715-20
Medium: Oil on copper
Dimensions: 15 × 12 1/8 in. (38.2 × 30.9 cm)
Classification: Paintings
Credit Line: Rogers Fund, by exchange, 2015
Accession Number: 2015.645
On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 623

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Johann Jakob Frey (1813-1865)

Johann Jakob Frey (27 January 1813 - 30 September 1865), a Swiss⏩ landscape painter, a native of Basle, studied principally in Italy, and his views of that country are much valued.
From Egypt, whither he accompanied Professor Lepsius, he brought many excellent sketches of the Pyramids, Labyrinths, ecc.

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Benedetto Luti | Study of a Girl in Red, 1717

Artist: Benedetto Luti (Italian, Florence 1666-1724 Rome)
Date: 1717
Medium: Pastel and chalk on blue laid paper, laid down on paste paper
Dimensions: 16 1/2 x 13 3/8 in. (41.9 x 34 cm)
Classification: Pastels and Oil Sketches on Paper
Credit Line: Gwynne Andrews Fund, 2007
Accession Number: 2007.361

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George Sheridan Knowles (1863-1931)

Il pittore Britanico⏩ George Sheridan Knowles ha prodotto tele dai temi nostalgici, spesso in costume, con l'intento di evocare tempi e sentimenti trascorsi, tra cui i primissimi, timidi approcci dettati dalla passione, ma soprattutto l'ingenuità legata all'infanzia, e proprio per questo sua ricorrente romantica nostalgia fu molto apprezzato già in epoca vittoriana.
Egli studiò arte presso la Manchester School of Art ed alla Royal Academy Schools, per giungere a dipingere sia tele accademiche che nostalgiche, ravvivate da colori luminosi e da un leggero tocco di pennello che proprio in quegli anni stava sperimentando l'impressionismo che, sfumando la scena, giunge ad acuirne il carattere evocativo.