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Diego Velázquez | La mulata / La cena de Emaús, 1618

Title: Kitchen Maid with the Supper at Emmaus
Autor: Diego Velázquez (Spanish Baroque Era painter, 1599-1660)
Year: c.1617-1618
Size: 55 x 118 cm
Medium: Oil on canvas
Provenance: Presented, Sir Alfred and Lady Beit, 1987 (Beit Collection)
Current location: National Gallery Dublin.

Regarded as the greatest Spanish artist of his time, Velázquez began his career in his native Seville and later became the leading artist at the court of King Philip IV in Madrid.
This painting is widely considered to be Velázquez’s earliest known work.

The artist painted Christ appearing to his disciples at Emmaus in the left background.
In the foreground he depicted a Moorish servant working in the kitchen.
The inversion of the religious and the worldly subjects was inspired by Flemish painters, including Pieter Aertsen. | © National Gallery of Ireland

Considerato il più grande artista Spagnolo del suo tempo, Velázquez iniziò la sua carriera nella natia Siviglia ed in seguito divenne l'artista principale alla corte del re Filippo IV a Madrid.
Questo dipinto è ampiamente considerato il primo lavoro di Velázquez.

L'artista dipinse Cristo che appare ai suoi discepoli in Emmaus sullo sfondo a sinistra.
In primo piano raffigurava un servo moresco che lavorava in cucina.
L'inversione dei soggetti religiosi e mondani fu ispirata dai pittori fiamminghi, tra cui Pieter Aertsen.| © National Gallery of Ireland